If you write the (vocal)melody of the song, are you a cowriter of the song?

It's not exactly radio-friendly.
It's a piece of noise. It's one of 4 Beatle songs I can't abide. My idea of torture is being locked in a room with "Revolution 9" on endless repeat.
Then again, I doubt the royalties for "Revolution 9" are exactly mind-numbingly huge.
The sales of the White album to date mean that even if it was never played on the radio, the royalties on that one bit of noise would generate a nice little income. Not of "Yesterday" proportions, but then, it doesn't have to be !
Well ... not mind-numbingly huge by Beatle standards of money-hugeness, anyway. Less than half what George Harrison (or his heirs, now) gets from "Within You and Without You."
He,he, really enjoyed reading this!
Did your buddy file a copyright on the song already?

If not, why don't you file a copyright on the song under your name and let him hire an attorney and try to prove his ownership percent in court? Anyone can copyright just about anything. The copyright office doesn't investigate each copyright application to see if it is an original work or who should be classified as co-writers, they just stamp the paperwork and if there's litigation later, then it gets sorted out.

If it's about bragging rights, then stop using your melody and lyrics with "his" chord progression and just play what he came up with. See if those 10.000 people enjoy "his" chord progression with no melody. Save your voice for one of "your" songs. If he b!itche$ about it then tell him the melody isn't important. Right???
Ha,ha, I didn`t count them. It was more than 10 though. It`s the latter, mate. Just a big festival. Nothing huge.
Was that ten or ten thousand ? I kind of hope the latter because otherwise, I see a huge in joke of "Famous Dave" proportions looming menacingly on the horizon.......
I'd be curious what this incredible chord progression is.

<----really hopes it is G,C,D - I so need a laugh.

Hey! Thats my chord progression! Quite telling everyone - I'm gonna have to copyright that sh!t

guitaristic said:
If you eat a piece of the cake.......

oh wait

Guitaristic you should know by now you can't have your cake and eat it too...
He says the vocal melody is not important in a song.
The chord progression is everything.

Have him record a blues chord progression and then send it in for copyright. See if they will let him copyright it without any melody. Let us know what happens.
(everybody here can tell you what will happen....)

After he finds out the truth about his claim, introduce him to the song book of Elton John + Bernie Taupin. Then have him explain how unimportant lyric writing and melody are.

Then do what you should have done 3 months ago......get a different song writing partner. If this guy is bickering with you over ownership before you even have a curious look see from Nashville, then he doesn't give a hoot about the music. Get away....fast......and don't look back.
You are co-writers. Get a copyright lawyer and both of you sit down with him or her. He could be doing that on his own while you sit typing on this forum.
Slip some acid in his beer and then read Edgar Allen Poe stories to him for 6 hours straight. Then call the police. You wont see him for a while...
As long as you are the lead singer, your opinion still doesn't amount to shit.

Just sayin...
As long as you are the lead singer, your opinion still doesn't amount to shit.

Just sayin...
Unless of course you're Diana Ross, Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Sting, John Lydon, Bob Marley, Gladys Knight, Robert Plant, Ian Gillan, Sheryl Crow, Erykah Badu, Phil May, Ray Davies, Stevie Nicks, Paul Rogers, Jon Anderson, Ian Anderson, Phil Lynott or Vladmir Putin !

And heck, if you're Ozzy Osbourne, you can be kicked out of the band where your opinion amounts to zilch !
Unless of course you're Diana Ross, Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Sting, John Lydon, Bob Marley, Gladys Knight, Robert Plant, Ian Gillan, Sheryl Crow, Erykah Badu, Phil May, Ray Davies, Stevie Nicks, Paul Rogers, Jon Anderson, Ian Anderson, Phil Lynott or Vladmir Putin !
I'll grant you Putin, but I wouldn't have much faith in anything the others said, even if they were telling me their favorite color.