If you won the lottery...

32 input daking

various pre's compressors and monitors

then i'd pay a famous mixer to do some mixes to get my place some notoriety..then when that happens kick him out and try to take credit for the previous work....tell the client "you thought TLA did the mix....man that was ME!!.."
heh, i surely wouldn't be here posting ;) humm, i'd be following 90% of the posters advice in this thread more than likey...
I would buy a cliff side home in Laguna or a house in the mountain's somewhere (Colorado?) and build a studio in the basement or lower level of my house. I would have an adjacent room to kick back and relax/practice with a full window across the room (not actually in the studio) to enjoy the view and get inspiration.
I would have John Sayer help me design the studio and set it up so I could go in and lay down some track's anytime I felt like it. Then I would go out and buy some instument's I never could have afforded before and stock my studio. Then make a few call's to my buddy's, fly them out and do some jamming.
Anyway's time to wake up and get back to my lil ole omni studio.
Digidesign 002 $2,195.99
Glyph 120GB $599.95

Genelec Triamplified Monitoring System $7,499.99
Sony MDR-7509 $189.99 x 5Pairs

Zaolla Mic Cable $232.95 x 5 cables

ADK TT $999.95
AKG C12VR $3,895.99
AT 4069 $929.00
Blue Bottle $4,395.99
Brauner VMS1 $8,200.00
Rode Classic II $1,599.99
Shure KSM44 $699.99
Studio Projects LSD2 $699.99
Rode NT1000 $299.00
Studio Projects C1 $199.00
Sennheiser MD421 MKII U4 $299.00
Shure SM7B $379.99
Nueman TLM-103
Nueman U87 $2,555.99
Nueman TLM-193 $1,175.99
Nueman M147

Tascam SX1SE Audio Production System

Sony DMX R100 Digital Mixer

Roland Vsynth

Avalon VT 737SP Preamp-eq-Compressor

Studio, completely sound proof, console , comp runnin 3ghz, 2gig of ram, Dual 250GB harddrives

30" flat panel monitor

Soundproof mic booths

The rest of the money spent on a house, and saved
Re: Re: Re: If you won the lottery...

Simman said:
Check that. I'd learn how to spell "million dollars"


I'd have a studio built somewhere nice with a giant door that opens up for jams/parties. And I'd get it setup to block radio waves so I don't have to listen to my strat buzz and to keep the aliens from controlling my brain.
I may see that kind of scratch soon, Ive got a large settlement coming form Metabolife.

Ill maybe get a gold channel consisting of a Toft AC2 and a Steven Paul Mic. or maybe even a MP2NV. and rund out a few things I need to get better results like a pair of Neuman sd condencers...and some wicked cables.
I have to chime in with all the others that would pay someone else to do it. At that level of extra cash it doesn't make sense to do it yourself. Spend your cash on better instruments and spend your time on practicing how to play it!
Sounds like your real interest is the songs rather than recording. Sounds like recording is a means to an end for you.

My passion is the music, but theres somthing about recording your own stuff and producing it... working an arrangment and tweaking it and hearing the finished product. Your own song, your own playing and your own production. The most satisfying feeling when it sounds good.
Benreturns said:
Sounds like your real interest is the songs rather than recording. Sounds like recording is a means to an end for you.
I also share the enjoyment in twiddling the knobs and the satisfaction of doing it all myself. But I've seen and heard enough to know that dollar for dollar, at that level of expenditure my best buy is someone else's talent and toy collection.

Why reinvent the wheel?
I prefer to ride the wheel myself. Its a better ride. YEaaaaaaah baby!

I see what your saying, but for me i just love to record my own stuff, simple as that really.
i would buy every alesis 3630 in existance for above cost and i would fly everyone on this bbs out to my house so we could destroy them with flame throwers and gernades, and then there would be celeberty lookalike whores for everyone to bang and i would have burger king cater the event.