If you have a moment.. I'd appreciate a listen to a project of mine...


New member
This is a song I'm working of of my own. I primarily use my home recording setup for composing. It consists of a PII 400 with 192mb ram, a Sound Blaster 512 PCI and Acid 4.0. All the drum tracks are one hits assembled by me. The bass guitar, electric and accoustic were all tracked by me using my Yamaha DG60FX-112 as a preamp going to the line in on the Sound Blaster.


damn good sound you have going there...especially for what you are using....you have lyrics in mind for this or are you going the instrumental route?......
I played that thru some smaller speakers after the first listen. The mix smooths out really nice. The acoustic gets kinda lost behind the other tracks except for the attack on the strums, but its smooth. THe snare has a nice fat sound. I`d like to hear more bass drum. Nice little jam movement. I started with a sb pci16 and I think it and the other creative chips sound fatter than the emu chip they went to in the live versions. I miss that. The creative chip might not have the sonic range and clarity of the emu but it is surely warmer.
Wow...nice sound. This sounds like it could be a really nice song when it's done. It does sound a little bass heavy to me.

I would love to hear this when completed.


Sorry if anyone saw the thumbs down on the post originally. Hit the wrong toggle. Sorry :D
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For the equipment you have, this is a good sound.

If you got a better soundcard, pre, and some mics so you could mic that git, then you'd be much better off. The acoustic was too "plastic"... I assuming you ran it direct. But everything else, for the most part sounded decent. The drums samples were very appropriate for the style, too.

The performance was tight, but the song itself needs some changeups... It's pretty repetitive. But I'm sure the finished product will be a little more dynamic (compositionally).

Overall this is good, though.

Solid mix.Nice drum sound...It just has a very "Direct" sound about it that sounds a litle harsh.A mice'd guitar would add warmth to this....sounds really good for what it is,a 1:25 sample....you didnt specify what kind of feedback you were looking for so im in the dark there...
Kramer said:
Solid mix.Nice drum sound...It just has a very "Direct" sound about it that sounds a litle harsh.A mice'd guitar would add warmth to this....sounds really good for what it is,a 1:25 sample....you didnt specify what kind of feedback you were looking for so im in the dark there...

All the guitars were recorded direct. I dont have the resources (money) :) to mic everything. I'm working on it though. I hope to have a decent board and a copule mics in the next month or so.

I was mostly look for feedback on the mix and the sound quality of the track. You've provided mostly that. Thanks kramer.

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Jagular said:
Wow...nice sound. This sounds like it could be a really nice song when it's done. It does sound a little bass heavy to me.

I would love to hear this when completed.


Sorry if anyone saw the thumbs down on the post originally. Hit the wrong toggle. Sorry :D

Jag. I was a little confused by the thumbs down.... its all good though! :)

As for the mix I think it's ok. Except for the bass that is too heavy but that is already said. The song itself could do with with some work though. Not only is it too repetitive but the bass is almost exactly the same as the the guitar part. That gets really dull after a little while. If you ask me you should do the bassline all over again, play with it a little more. It 'll make the song a lot more interesting.
The drum mix is excellent. Perhaps the kick is a tad too powerful. I like the string-bending riff. It makes it sound a bit menacing... Oh, is the song supposed to be only 1:25 ?
I'm sorry. I thought I stated in the first post that it is just a sample of something I'm working on. It is by no means going to end up like that. I just wanted your feed back on the mix and quality.