If you had $1000 and my setup, what would you do?


Dethska and Thomas are absolutely correct. Treating your room will improve enormously everything you record and mix. Acoustic treatment is by far the most important "gear" you can buy.

Besides John Sayer's excellent site, also see the FAQ for my Acoustics forum. It's the 10th article in the list, here:



That dirty little secret article was really good. Although it was written by someone who sells acoustic traps, I believed all of it.

From now on I'm going to more careful about rooms. The thing that is really driving me crazy lately is just how treble bounces off everything, and makes things sound like mush, especially voice. I think I'll be using my closet a lot more for things.

With that said, I just ordered an RNP, another SM57, good boom stand, monster cables and a pop filter.

I think this will give me some extra to do some sound dampening/enhancing. Or, whatever else comes along.