If you could have only ONE Single Channel Mic Pre for Your Vocals!!!

I've never used one but I like the sound of the Gordon Audio mic preamp. OK, it's two channels but it's very $$$.

The single channel units I've had at the house that I like are the Grace 101 and A Designs MP1. Both are made by very good companies as well.

moeses said:
what about the Great River Mp1nv

i'd like to spend less then 1500 if any of you have suggestions

Great River MP1NV $1000
Universal Audio M160 $1100
Vintech 1272 (2 channels) $1250

I have only read good things about those three. I haven't used them so I can't comment/critic them.

There are also a lot of cheaper pre's that give good quality for a project/hobby studio, and some of them have compressor/limiters on board - Aphex, Grace, HHB, Joe Meek, FMR, etc.
cominginsecond said:
I can't find any prices on your website. Where are they?

The prices on the right side, but there is no conversion for the DK prices. Im pretty sure te prices are still in the over $1000 US arena. 13000 DK for the monotube channel

13000 Kroner is about $2000.

For a single channel, my vote would go to:

Acoustic-based music: John Hardy M-1
Alt-Rock, R&B, Hip-Hip: Phoenix Audio DRS-1
Hard Rock, Classic Rock: Great River MP-1NV

The M-1 is the best all-purpose pre under $1K, IMO. You can run the M-1 with or without the transformer. The DRS-1 has a bigger more open and airy sound with a transformerless input and transformer on the output. The MP-1NV will give some really good edge and color and offers the most tonal variations

Dan Richards
Digital Pro Sound
The Listening Sessions
well, if i get the chance to demo a Phoenix and Great River, i'll be very happy

tax returns on it's way...i didn't make much money, so i get about 1100 back!!!!!!!!!
Well, since the question pertains to MY vocals, the Focusrite Platinum Pro works best on MY vocals. I sound alot like Phil Collins. My voice is very transparent. I have an RNP and it tends to let my vocals get buried in the mix. The FR is the only one I have tried that really makes my voice stand out. I get a huge sound out of it. It solves MY problem.

is the Phoenix like the Great River where i can make it clean or colored...or is it basically just colored all the time

I bought the Phoenix DRS-1 after having both the Great River and it here for demo. The Phoenix has a more "3-d" sound and I liked the higher frequency response better. It also appeared to react faster for strummed acoustic guitar. Here was my 1st quick recording using it on everything but drums.
