If using a Firewire express card for laptop, what to look for?


OK. So I'm going to buy a laptop for recording. I use Presonus firewire interfaces.

I know that if I was to buy a laptop with onboard firewire, I would want one with a TI chipset. But, what if I'm going to be using my firewire express card in the laptop? The card is a SIIG with a TI chipset.

What do I need to be looking for, specifically, in the laptop? Does the ExpressCard chipset need to be TI?

And btw, I'm 99% sure that I'm getting a Lenovo/IBM.


Yeah. I'm pretty confident that the SIIG is going to work, especially with the Lenovo line. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing I should be looking for as far as the laptop goes.
