If someone offered you a FREE Hammond C3...

guido #2

New member
...but you were pretty darn sure they didn't know what it was worth...
would you tell them?

BTW: it's probably mint and it comes with two speaker cabs...
I'd get over that guilty feeling in about....oh....1.5 seconds. I bought a mint 147 from a drunk guy for $200. I still chuckle over that one.
If you are going to use it, take it. If you are going to sell it, take it and give them a cut.
Farview said:
If you are going to use it, take it. If you are going to sell it, take it and give them a cut.

I agree if you know/like them, if it's a stranger; snatch and run!
or just convince yourself that 'of Course they know how much its worth! who said anything about them not knowing how much it was worth? because i didn't!'


i got one for free just because they're inconveniently large.. some people don't care how much they're worth, they just take up WAY too much room.

with that mindset you should be able to fleece them of their C3 guilt-free!