If he just sings.....


New member
Heres my deal. I have a good friend, really nice guy, great voice. I want to record a few songs that I have written everything for, Lyrics, music and produced, with him singing. I want to sell these songs over the web as well as part of a CD. I wondering what his cut is? Should I offer him a fee for each song? What is the going rate for a singer for hire...?
Not an expert, but if you've done everything and he's a good friend, then between 15-20% seems a fair price.

Of course, this is just my opinion -> I'm no expert.
how well do u think the music will sell?
i'd give him a decent fee now plus maybe 7%-to what ever depending on what songs he did and what songs sell, oh and how many songs he sang in too.
I think the fee could be from zero to 99.9%.. whatever you negotiate. However, you could pay him upfront in total, or give him a percentage...or both....or nothing (with his permission, I'd think)

I think past track record, quality, ability to help sell your CD's, etc, etc would all go into consideration when deciding on a $$$ figure.

There is NO going rate for something at this level, imo. At a pro level, they might get union scale (like jingle singers) and more...or actually a piece of the pie.

He only sang over one song on this CD, but the next CD Im thinking about having him sing over almost all of it. Maybe 2 or 3 songs he wont be on...
"...what his cut is"

Cut of what, exactly? Have you mastered and pressed the CD's? Graphics done? Distribution? Reviews? Sales projections? If you truly are the Kwisatz Haderach, maybe. :D
hey Buffalo Bob

you would happen to be Buffalo Bob Cass no would ya? Anyway, Thx for the input guys!