ideal setting of pickup?


New member
i was just adjusting my hot rail pickup in my tele, and i accidently made the low e side higher than the high e.

this works well because i am missing half of my little screw thingy for my bottom little nut thing on my saddle.

is it ok if i go along with this?

if not whats the ideal setting of the pickup.

excuse my newbieness
Set them by ear/sound. Over all height is a personal preference thing, but you want to set them to give the best balance between the strings. Usually, this means you get the E strings to balance, and the rest are pretty good. Not always, but usually. Usually I do one of two things. I set the bridge pickup first, as it will usually have the lowest output (the string doesn't move much that close to the bridge, so it doesn't drive the pickup very hard), and then I set the others to that one. The other way to do it, which also works well, is to fret at the highest fret, and set the neck pickup about 1/16th of an inch from the strings, making sure it is all balanced, and then adjust the other pickups acordingly.


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M.K. Gandhi
Like Light said, adjust it by sound, if it sounds good then you have it set right, you just have to play with it a little then if it isn't quite what you want adjust it a little untill it suits you and your style of playing.
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here's what i would do. raise the pickup until it hits the strings when you play on the last fret. then turn the screw 1/2 turn more. this will allow maximum output and give you some screaming notes at high volume. i set up my bass this way and my girlfriends mother is always yelling at me.