

I did this song last night when I got an idea in my head. I just pluged in the guitar and put up a mic in a position that it would also catch the low end of the guitar. The words are nothing concret because they were made up on the go. actually the whole song was on the go so nothing is concret.
I was wondering if you think this song could be worked on and put in a more rock style. I really don't know what to do with it so suggestions about mix ideas, because I do a lot of on the spot recordings (before I forget the idea) would be great. any other suggestions are very welcomed.

here is the link. I am trying the free server at so thank you to whoever runs that.
No good? Too good to coment?(ha) i'm guessing this isn't the type of music many people like. well I am still open to suggestions if anyone happens to have.
thanks for the listen anyways.