ibook and motu

tony moore

New member

i've got an ibook g3/600 with 640mb of ram that i've been using with a motu 896 firewire system. i've got the 30gb hard drive paritioned to 3 10gb sections. one for osx, one for os9 (and digital performer), and one for audio.

what else can i do to increase the track count i can process?


maybe get a 5400rpm hard drive as opposed to the 4200rpm that's in there.

IBM makes them in 40gig and 60gig flavors.

I've heard though that on iBooks you either can't change the HD or it's really difficult. I'd ask around before you do anything.
i was thinking of just adding an external firewire drive, i could get up to 7200...

i was referring more to internal settings to increase cpu availability.

