I would love everybody's opinion


New member
Hey Guys Great Site!!!
I would love everybody's opinion on my equipment.
1 Korg D3200
1 Focusrite Voice Master Platinum
1 Audio-Technica 4047/sv
I have a bunch of other stuff also but use primarily this, as voice is the most important tracks I am recording at the moment.

Right now I am trying to get the best sound out of the compressor and was hoping someone who is familiar with my unit would be able to give me some tips on his, or her, settings.

If you go to kharen.ca and follow the link you will hear the voice I am recording.
Any help would be appreciated!!
Thanks in advance,
I've never tried the Korg - so I can't really comment

I've always thought the 4047 is a very good vocal mic in it's price range. I have one and it's my main "go to" mic. I also have a Platinum Voicemaster. While the Platiinum series tends to get negative reviews, I think the Voicemaster is a fairly decent channel strip - however, I do think the compression is the weakest part of the unit.

Naturally, there is no one single correct setting - and as a general rule, compression should be used with due discretion. Since you don't indicate the specific point in the chain you need help with - I will "assume" you are concerned with tracking vocals.

When using a 4047 with a strong male tenor voice (singing mostly country/pop material - the primary focus of my demo studio) I tend to have the compressor set as follows: Treble 9 o'clock - Threshold 10 o'clock - Release 2 o'clock - Output 2 o'clock

With a female voice (same mic) I tend to roll off some of the treble and lower the threshold to maybe 9 o'clock.

I would suggest you disable everything except for the gain, get the best sound yoiu can and then bring in the compression first and only use the other processing if something more is needed. Often, all that is needed is a good mic pre (and some light compression). A channel strip can be more complex than needed and can actually hinder instead of help.
Wish I could help you. I just got my D3200 about 2 weeks ago and am just getting into editing. I haven't gotten into the "hard" stuff yet. But it is a great machine. There is a place that specifically deals with the D3200 at studiotrax.net. I'm not trying to get you away from this forum because it is a really good one but you will get a lot of help from a lot of people who are experienced with it.

Hope that helps.