"I want to know You" - Brohnis


New member

Have decided to host mp3's myself as my mac doesn't want to play ball with the upload function on here! It thinks it's so clever but it's not!!

This is the first song I've recorded and mixed myself. Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback! I need help!


A minor point, i'm not too keen on the hard left panning of the guitar at the start. It sounds a little odd listening through my earphones.
Interesting...I was trying to go for an unusual/sparse intro to make room for the later parts as they are quite big.

Any other thoughts?
Wow thats a long song. The mids seem kind of over powering and the drums sound pretty weak. Could be my speakers.
Generally well performed.

The mix is heavy on the left. Needs something more on the right to balance it out.

The female vocal can get a little shrill on certain notes. There's a nasty frequency somewhere around 2300hz - 3500hz or so. Actually this might be a rare case where a multiband compressor might help. Have it clamp down on that range beyond a certain amount.

I thought the acoustic guitar sound was OK, but a bit on the muddy side. I'd think that a narrow cut somewhere in the 300hz neighborhood would help.

Heard a couple of pops at :15 and :16.

Songwise, it goes on for a while without enough new things going on to keep interest.
All very useful thanks.

In terms of the song itself in terms of structure/modulation etc, it lyrically is supposed to be very simple, and I wanted it to be progressive, using the melody and motifs throughout. There's no particular chorus or verse. I guess you could argue that it could be 3 mins long quite easily...but where's the indulgence in that!:P
For example, the intro guitar incorporates the 'I want to know you' melody; the trem picked guitar mirrors the 'more and more and more' melody.

Length wise- its not pop music obviously...I'm basically writing and recording music for family and friends!

I appreciate all the comments however, particularly about it being very lop-sided to the left! Really obvious now you've mentioned it.

Any other takers?