i want a spring reverb and compressor.


New member
The only one I've had my eye on was Furman RV-1 for reverb, and that seems to be mostly a guitar effect. I want a vocal tone like the Holies or Simon and Garfunkel had. I'm just not too pleased with digital reverb, and I want a really springy sound. So, I’m open for suggestions. It needs to be under $500

For a compressor I was thinking about the Electro Harmonix black finger compressor. Will I be able to overdrive the tube a bit or will I still need a preamp? I really want a vintage sound.

All of this will be used just for vocals. I mostly just keep everything else clean.
The only complete-package spring reverb units I know of are these two guys:



I've known about the Fender for a long time, first time seeing the Guyatone. Can't attribute to either's quality, but as far as I can tell, they are your best bet for real spring reverb. I know I've seen a couple companies online that custom build them, but I would imagine you would end up spending close to the same, if not more for a custom job.
Peavey used to make a Valve Verb it was a tube driven spring reverb with vibrato. It was a pretty cool rack reverb unit I had one for quite a while, wished I still had it.
the furman gets good reviews. theres also an orban, a fostex, and some others. Maybe even some new units being produced.