i think i just invented a new tapping "lick"


New member
well if i didn't, i've never seen it done before so don't flame!

I'll call it super trilling!! basically, you perform a hammer-on trill, say --7---9--- on G... but instead of normal hammeron, you will "tap" with say your ring finger (left hand) then tap with your tapping finger (index/middle/etc) of your right hand... in VERY quick succession: kinda like:


key: L= left hand ring, R = right hand middle

if done right (very fast) it sounds like a super quick trill, like machine gun style! let me know if I need to explain it better
Docaroo said:
well if i didn't, i've never seen it done before so don't flame!

I'll call it super trilling!! basically, you perform a hammer-on trill, say --7---9--- on G... but instead of normal hammeron, you will "tap" with say your ring finger (left hand) then tap with your tapping finger (index/middle/etc) of your right hand... in VERY quick succession: kinda like:


key: L= left hand ring, R = right hand middle

if done right (very fast) it sounds like a super quick trill, like machine gun style! let me know if I need to explain it better

No, you didn't invent it (I've seen others do this), but it's still a great sound! A variation on your example above is where you would tap at the 10th fret (or 11th), so you'd get --7-9-7-10-7-9-7-10- in very quick succession. This is like the lick (in a different key though) that Eugene opens his "trick bag" with at the end of the duel in the Crossroads movie. He "plays" it (syncs to it) with the left hand only, but you can get it much faster with your "super trilling" technique.
And if that isn't a fast enough trill for you, just do that little spastic twitch thingy with the edge of your pick a la Joe Satriani. In fact, I'd say you can trill way faster that way.
metalhead28 said:
And if that isn't a fast enough trill for you, just do that little spastic twitch thingy with the edge of your pick a la Joe Satriani. In fact, I'd say you can trill way faster that way.

Like Kirk Hammet in th 'One' solo?
kikkis said:
No he didn't. He invented the environment.
If only he hadn't discovered global warming. Everyone would have just assumed that it was a normal shift of weather patterns.
Ok Vai, try taking your tapping pattern across all strings. Then do your little trill/tapping using a pent shape. Do something with it other than two notes.

I have faith in you.
ocnor said:
If only he hadn't discovered global warming. Everyone would have just assumed that it was a normal shift of weather patterns.
ocnor said:
And Al Gore invented the internet.
Well shit, I guess I had it ass backwards this whole time... I though al gore discovered the internet and invented global warming. Boy, do I feel stupid... :D
metalhead28 said:

Well I don't know what part of the solo you guys are listening too but there's no part of it that uses this technique... you'll have to point it out to me because last time I played it there's nothing of the sort!
Sirnothingness said:
Ok Vai, try taking your tapping pattern across all strings. Then do your little trill/tapping using a pent shape. Do something with it other than two notes.

I have faith in you.

done already... did it about 5 mins after first doing the technique... and the names Docaroo, not Vai. Thanks.
Docaroo said:
Well I don't know what part of the solo you guys are listening too but there's no part of it that uses this technique... you'll have to point it out to me because last time I played it there's nothing of the sort!

Just to clarify; 'nothing of the sort' is referring to tapping a fret with the side of the pick?
nope nope nope ... not even close... that is pick tapping and yes that is in the One solo...

this technique is NOT pick tapping! you are tapping with a finger on the right and left hands to make a SUPER fast trill.... like the example above!!!

At least I know what you are talking about now, read my post again!