"I Sing Over You" Recorded on Zoom R8


New member
Here's a simple acoustic song for review. "Any" constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time out to do so. I definitely learn and try to incorporate whatever feedback I get.
I think this is a great song and the performance is top-notch.Really nice melody, I wish I could even come up with flowing melodies like that. You've got a great voice.

I don't have anything to suggest. For this kind of music, I can't see how you can make it better.

As a side note, the title "I Sing Over You" threw me off at first. I couldn't get how that phrase makes sense. But after hearing the song, it makes perfect sense. It's like "I cry over you"..."I sing over you"...brilliant!. :D
Really well played and sung, sang? The recording is great, you captured the moment. My only gripe is the melody and chord progression are really close to a goo goo dolls song.
WOW!!! EXCELLENT!!!! Nice playing...nice lyrics...nice vox...your vox are GREAT man..Im jealous!!!
Lovely piece of work & the word play works - quirky and bring a different understanding/perspective to the cliche's they've evolved from.
Fantastic... I can't believe my eyes/ears though... the guitar and vocal don't sound like they were recorded by the same mic (meant as compliment).
Stratomaster, which goo goo dolls song is it? Im not too familiar with them but Im curious now. But then, that pattern has been popular ever since the beatles if not earlier.

Tobe.. you do have good ears. There's an sm 81 pointing to the guitar but its not in the camera ;)
Stratomaster, which goo goo dolls song is it? Im not too familiar with them but Im curious now. But then, that pattern has been popular ever since the beatles if not earlier.

Tobe.. you do have good ears. There's an sm 81 pointing to the guitar but its not in the camera ;)

Yes ... the chord progression is common in folk and bluegrass which use folk melodies and progressions dating back centuries. But then pretty much anything composed with chords on a guitar has been done before. What makes your song unique is the combination of lyrics, melody and a great performance ... Nicely done! Nothing wrong with using a time tested formula and changing it around to make your own sound ...
Hi, I like the songs!! Question, what do you use besides the zoom br-8.. like you mike,earphones,guitars etc .I love the bass guitar sound on blink song!! did you use a preset in the zoom for the bass sound ?? I am wanting to rebuild my studio that was stolen from me a few years back and my funds are not like it use to be..
Thanks and hit me back..