I Nite Sky


New member
So, I'll bet you didn't think wawazzat could actually play any instruments...:)


Please give me some feedback, I don't want to suck forever!

Isn't shameless self promotion fun?:)
the future of something
Good job, I automatically gravitated to the song "Crystal Clear" because I've recorded a song by that same name. Totally different song though but the curiosity was getting to me. I also heard "Dixie Wreck". Both were very tight and well played. Recording sounded pretty good too.
Thanks for the listen

Ray J-

This is a first draft, and revisions to follow...glad you liked 'em!

What does your Crystal Clear sound like?

Point me in your direction, and I'll give 'er a listen:)
I used to be amazed
I haven't uploaded mine to my page yet, I'll post it within the next few weeks, I'm in the process of remixing.
Yeah, hear that skynard influence...downloaded "Dixie Wreck, "Talk To Me", and "Crystal Clear"....good mixes....the singer is excellent and the voice sits where it should to my ears...yer guitar/bass/drum playin' is FINE...I liked "Crystal Clear" the best of all....gibs
Thanks about a billion...


I guess you should check out "Melody" too.

Somehow, I think you'll find it....different.:)
Yeah, Melody is great. And, uhhhhh... huh-huh, "Dixie Wrecked"... uhhhhhh... huh-huh-huh. Good work, Zzat.
Great Stuff

Hey wawazzat,

Great stuff. I really like what I heard (Melody & Crystal Clear). Here is what I think about each...

Crystal Clear: This sounds pretty damn good. The only problems (and realize that I'm being picky here) that I hear is that the rythym guitar is a little bottom heavy and it seems to distort my headphones from time to time. Not too bad, but just a hair. The only other problem (if you really want to call it that) is the drums. In this one the drums seem mono sounding...that is, they don't have a lot of depth or separation. The snare is really soft and there's no real crack to it.

Melody: I like this one a lot too. This one has the exact opposite problem with the drums. I hear the kick only in my right ear, and the snare in my left. The snare has the same problem as the last tune, but the other real issue I have is with the tone of the hi hat. I would have pulled a little of the mids out and had it more thin sounding. It sounds a little submarine sounding (enclosed sounding).

The good news is that all of the things I mentioned are nitpicky and fixable. Other than that, I really dig these tunes. Your partner's voice is really cool. The songs themselves are catchy and you did a good job on them!

Alpha Dog
Thanks for the listen...


You are correct about the drums. In the case of "Crystal", they were indeed recorded mono. In the case of "Melody", they were stereo, my first attempt, with rather poor result, but as you say...fixable. The drums on "Dixie Wreck" have been remixed. Check 'em out if you have the time, and lemme know what you think. (still not stereo, though)

The two you mentioned have my vocals on them, not my partners'. I'm glad you like them. Snatch sings the other two.

I listened to three of yours: "Leave It All Behind", "Reach" and "Take A Number And Wait".

I liked "Leave" the best. Your drums are excellent, nice guitar and backing vocals. Your voice is very pleasant, and you have good control over it. It almost remunds me of that guy in "Talk Show", the album STP did without Weiland. I like it very much. The other two were good as well, but I'd give the nod to "Reach". Both had back up vox that were too low for my taste, but good writing and performance with nice hooks. Did I pick the right ones? Let me know if you'd prefer I download one of the other ones.

"Leave" is great. If it were mine I'd run that lead right up into the bridge. It's just too short. I had to listen to it three times. Okay, four. Might just get you a hit...:)
nice lyrics too

[Edited by wawazzat on 09-14-2000 at 02:23]
I like It

I listened to "Dixie Wreck" and I think the drums are much improved. Again, I'd like stereo drums, but they sound pretty good. The snare could use a bit more crack, but they sound pretty good other than that. The singing is good too, but I think I like your voice more...although his voice really fits this song. That's pretty cool that you have two decent vocalists...most don't even have one!

Thanks for the comments on my stuff. I've heard that about the solo break...it's also been suggested that I use that at the very begining as well. It's weird because when I was recording it I thought it was too long for such a short song. It's funny how that works. Yeah, if you find the time to listen to the others, go ahead, I'm always interested in more input! "Mattole" is kind of a little ditty that I threw together, but "On My Side" is a tune a little more like the other three you've listened to already.


Mark (CMiller)
Alpha Dog
On my Side

Now there's a cool tune...with a surprize ending !

Really, "Side" couldn't be more different from "Mattole"

Both very good in their own way.

"On My Side" is the big winner here. I went back to "Leave" to confirm this. My favorite from yesterday is no more.

The simplicity of the approach and lyric, the hook, the story behind the song...This one has it all. At least for me. This one is your "hit". Don't you think?
good stuff
Gave "Dixie Wreck" a few go rounds. Likable tune with plenty of "in your face" drive. Nice vocal performance. The rest of the band is kickin' too, excellent guitar work. You got a good thing goin' on. Refine it and sign it.

Thanks for the complements wawazzat! You know I can't play favorites with my tunes...the others will get jealous. Interesting thing about "On My Side" it was written and arranged on the spot in the studio and the basics were recorded on the second take. Weird, huh?

Hey, how are you doing on the charts now?

Alpha Dog
Well, I'm on 'em...

Dixie is at #24 on the Southern Rock chart now. It's top was #22 on Tuesday. Crystal Clear is around #1100 on the Rock chart.

Talk To Me is at #84. Melody peaked at #40 on the Classic Rock chart on Tuesday. She's #108 now.

Thanks bball, I'm tryin' the refinin' right now.
How 'bout you?

[Edited by wawazzat on 09-16-2000 at 19:17]
Hey bball-

I hear ya. I checked out Overcast and Blufinn on your page. Really nice recordings. Listen to the dr, it would be great with less verb on the vocals. Got any vocals for Blufinn?