I need your opinion?


New member
Afternoon everyone:

I need help in starting up midi recording. I have a Roland TD12 drum set and a Yamaha Keyboard. How and what do I need to set up for doing Midi. I have Sonar 7XL. Could someone walk me through this? It sure would be helpful. Or does someone know a good book?

I record midi from my vdrums too, what do you need to know? All you need is a midi cord, and a midi port on your PC.

You can do a lot of different things - You could play the v-drums and record the midi. Then you can edit the midi, and run it thru any synth, including your vdrum module. You could also pipe the midi thru a vsti like ezdrummer if you like those samples better than what's on the module. You can also program midi in a midi editor, and run it thru your module, thereby getting a decent drum track without touching a drumstick.. You can also use a midi keyboard to play drums, recording keystrokes instead of drum hits. There is no difference what midi controller you use.

However you want to do it, you'll be recording the audio that your synth / module / vsti produces from the midi.