I need your help to build the PERFECT studio1

Ken D. Webber

New member
Hello, I am a professional illustrator who is poised for greatness in the future. I always have an eye open on future plans and music is also an area that I seek to expand into. I am also a musician so I am asking all the Home recordist's that I can think of to send me their suggestions on how to build the perfect dream Home studio. I need your advice and your imagination. If you were to suddenly come upon say, ten million dollars, and wanted to build the PERFECT recording studio what would be included? What equipment is an absolute must have when cost is no consideration? What musical equipment would you need for perfection? Do you have any links to manufacturers and suppliers? Are there any things that I should know about the setting for the studio itself? Wall designs and the form of the structure? What about the environment itself such as ways to make it artist friendly? Are there any nightmares that you have encountered or shoddy equipment manufacturers that should be avoided? I am looking for the most PERFECT STUDIO you can imagine with full digital capabilities. I look forward to hearing your list of suggestions, email me, and thank you for all that you can offer! Ken D. Webber / Artist
Because of the amount of annoying letters he has laid upon us, i will hunt him down and won't stop till he is dead....

Don't let anyone know you have ten million dollars to blow. Go out there and find out what you like. Create your own perfection.It doesn't take a whole lot of money.
"Single white gay male seeks sugar daddy with recording studio... interests include John Tesch and riding "bareback"... Must like possum snoodling and Brittany Spears."
Psst..hixmix/ken...I feel your pain...have you ever thought of taking your own life (lives)? Really, it would be for the best....
A hillbilly on the beach???? Are you sure it's not a swamp? Say, you're movin' up in the world!
Hillbilly? I own a studio located a few blocks from the nicest beaches in the US... The only hills around here are sand dunes and titties... Where do you live?