I need to know which of my interfaces I should use as a master


you want this big boy?
allright boys and girls; here's the deal...

I have a MOTU 896HD, a Tascam FW-1884, and I will be using a Focusrite Platinum Penta; I will be using all of these simultaneously when my studio is finished. My main concern is this. Which of those 2 interfaces should I make the master using word clock.

Both will be full to the max on the i/o with all my mics and what not, and I'm wondering if either of these interfaces would be a better option. My inkling is that the 896 would be a better syncing device, but who knows really...maybe one of you do.

Thanks for any help.
Typically you would want to use your input device as the master ... but seeing as how you intend to use all inputs of your devices simultaneously .... it's a toss-up. Use your ears. See if one or the other gives you better clarity and stereo imagery.
Your best bet may be to invest in a dedicated Word clock like a Lucid GENx6 or Apogee Big Ben.
Thanks crankz. Got the studio done yesterday, and I think the MOTU is going to work better (just as I had thought). I've thought about buying the dedicated word clock, but it's just not in the budget right now. Maybe someday soon...