I need some advice on plug-ins for a mix


New member
I am about to mix my first serious project and wanted to get some feedback on using compression on my individual tracks and my final mix. Some of the tools I will be using are Magneto(tape saturation), Waves compressors and the Waves Ultramaximizer. I was curious as to what method or order you apply similar plug-ins and when is too much? I was also looking for some tips on processing male vocals in the mix. I know it varies on the feel of the song and the production I am looking for but in general what are some of your methods and what plug-ins are you using on a PC format. I appreciate any feedback. James
There is no rule to follow on plug-ins... just use what you think sounds good.

When you have stadium reverb, with a 3 minute decay time, and chorus, and flanger, and delay, and compression, in high quantities on every single track and seperate instument.. I would say, you've gone to far...

Use your ears.... Listen to the radio, and listen to cd's.... see what everyone else is doing and mimic it.

Waves Gold native....

is what I am planning on purchasing this week..... very decent...

or anything from Bomb Factory.

After compressing or automating all the out of control crap out of your tracks, the next theing, and most important thing of all, is setting up a good EQ and a spectrum analyzer. Spend tons of time on this part.
ANyone have a clue if Bomb Factories LA2A sounds anything like the real thing?
Tell me which kind of music you gonna to record ?
Hip-hop or death metal ?
In the mix i use Waves plug-ins : RCL compressor, L1 Ultramaximizer, RVerb and TrueVerb reverbs, REQ6 ( best EQ plug-in ever, better than hardware Neve or SSL ), C4 multiband compressor - they are all CPU-hungry.
Alternatives are TC Electronics Native Reverb and EQ - very advanced algorhytms but light on CPU.
If you need killer kick drum, and yours sounds like slapped with wet mop, use Ensoniq Dynasone.
Generally, if it is a drums-guitars-bass-vocal thing, and you are mixing in digital domain, do not compress individual tracks ( not yet ), because mix will not translate well to other systems.
Analog domain is much more forgiving, you have nice analog tape compression, and song just mix itself.
First, normalize all tracks. Now insert Waves L1 ultramaximizer in master section, set threshold to 0, output to 0, type to Ultra, 24-bit, digital domain - NOW you can start mixing
Just ask anything
which way do i go

go with the tc native works. waves is good but demanding on the processor. tc is good also:D