I need help on a mini mixer


New member
My first post timed out so let's try this again...


I have a Mackie VLZ 1202 that I use for submixing drums live and sometimes to record with and I have the chance to trade it for a Spirit/Folio FX8.

The Folio has XLR across 8 channels, (16 total) faders, 3 band EQ, 48V phantom power and Lexicon efx (which I don't care so much about)

The Mackie, as you know, is knobs, 2 band eq, and some like the pre's some don't

So is it an upgrade if I trade the Mackie plus $100? I don't know if the Folio has inserts like the Mackie (on Ch. 1-4) and what the pres sound like.

help me oh opinionaters and experts!
I've used both Mackie & Spirit boards. While I'm a Mackie fan I must admit I have never found fault with any Spirit board I've used. I've found the to be very quiet and the pre's are every bit as good as the Mackie.

I've never used the FX8 - but based on the link provided by Riverdog, it looks like the trade may be a good idea. While the built in F/X don't mean much for a drum submix - it still adds value to the mixer.