I need help mic'ing Mariachi Band


New member
I am looking for any suggestions on setting up the gear
to record/mix Mariachi Bands.
Hi Luuke,

What recording experience do you have, and do you have any recording gear at all?

Since it's Acoustic instruments, I would go with Condensors, unless by some strange twist of fate it's an "elecetric" Mariachi band-then you're just talking about a Rock group without drums! Hahaha

But, before I can really answer this-what is your Budget?

We need this, so that we can suggest gear that will fit into your budget...I mean, I can suggest several mic's that go for $3,000.00 each, but that does you no good if you're total budget is $900!

Essentially, I can tell you this-You're going to be looking at a minimum of about $1,000.00 for a Digital Recorder.(Which I will always suggest)

and $300.00-$1,000.00 for a pair of Microphones.

You may seriously want to look at this as recording an Ensemble instead of individually miking each instrument-you won't get the separation from 1 mic per instrument (which means less control) but you can layer in individual parts once you have the group stereo tracks made.

My recording experience is mainly for film/TV using booms and lapels. I'm trying to get into musical recording.

I have the Yamaha MDS4 Digital Multitracker
and Mackie 12VLZ for preamps.

I want to get a large condensor mic or 2 to start and probably a couple Shure 58s?

What mics would you recommend for vocals and acoustic instruments? Budget is about $1200-1500.

Luuke said:
My recording experience is mainly for film/TV using booms and lapels. I'm trying to get into musical recording.

I have the Yamaha MDS4 Digital Multitracker
and Mackie 12VLZ for preamps.

I want to get a large condensor mic or 2 to start and probably a couple Shure 58s?

What mics would you recommend for vocals and acoustic instruments? Budget is about $1200-1500.


Okay, where you want to go, is the Microphone section, and ask which Mic's. You're gonna get a ton of answers in there.

I would suggest any of the following:

Rode NT2's (about $400 each)
AKG C3000 (about $330 each)

And the list goes on.... There are tons, but these two seem to be very popular...
There's a company called Oktavia that's gaining popularity, but I personally have never used one, so I can't vouch for it.

1 more thing you may really want to think about, is budgeting $200 of that total for an RNC, which is a Killer little Stereo Compressor.
The guy sells them on the net-and it's a pro piece of gear in a half rack unit. Kicks major butt, and tons of people online will vouch for them. I have a friend who's got one, and When I am ready to buy some more compressors-my money's going there.


I purchased dbx 166a's-which are decent compressors-but I needed some kind of noise gates, and the RNC doesn't have a gate (or at least it didn't at that time-I don't know if they have added a gate to it or not)....But I would seriously get a Compressor so that you can help "bat down" any peaks.

Re: compressor?

bdemenil said:
Is using one of these hardware compressors better than using a software one?

Well, I don't record on Hard Disk-but when I do go into the PC to burn CD's-I run through a Stereo Compressor.

I prefer using Outboard gear to using Plug ins.
I think one of the main reasons that I'm a fan of Separate units, is that I'm not locked into only being able to do things 1 way.
That's why I didn't jump into recording and mixing in the PC full force-I liked the freedom of being able to patch whatever piece of gear I wanted, into any spot in the signal's path.

Tim Brown said:

1 more thing you may really want to think about, is budgeting $200 of that total for an RNC, which is a Killer little Stereo Compressor.
The guy sells them on the net-and it's a pro piece of gear in a half rack unit. Kicks major butt, and tons of people online will vouch for them. I have a friend who's got one, and When I am ready to buy some more compressors-my money's going there.


Actually, it's http://www.fmraudio.com
