I need help choosing a soundcard!


New member
Well, I am pretty new to the recording aspect of music, as you can probably tell, but I was wondering what would be a good soundcard? I have a new computer with plenty of memory, I am planning to use a mixer, I have mics, and I use Adobe Audition, but I dont have a good soundcard, so I am looking for help. I plan to record each instrument seperately and mix it on the computer. I hope that explains everything I plan to do, and if anybody could help me in choosing a decent sound card that doesn't cost too terribly much, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
im guessing your a drummer.

if u want to have different tracks for each of your drum mics when they are in the pc u need more inputs....
OK, thanks for the help. I just have one question left in my mind, if i do all of the mixing of the drum mics (since i am going to record just one instrument at a time, rythem guitar, then drums, then bass, then lead) on the mixer, then feed that to my computer through the sound card, would i only need to a soundcard with dual inputs? I can record the other instruments the same way as the drums, just at a seperate time. Does that plan sound like it would work? Again thanks for the help.
You could mic the kit and run it through a mixer (with 8 ins for example) and then out into a soundcard with two ins. You would lose control over the individual tracks once they're on the computer though.