I need equipment recommendation/advice


New member
I've been planning on building a little home recording studio for a while now. What I will be doing is record my own stuff which is heavy metal in the vein of bands like Metallica and Pantera. Only guitars, bass and vocals will be recorded, everything else will be done in Cubase. I'll be recording using my computer, a P4 2.4Ghz with 512MB ram. Instruments will be recorded one at a time.

I have a loose budget of around $2000, which can go up to $3k if the quality justifies the price. I wanna stress the fact that I want to get the best possible sound out of the equipment I'll be working with. I'll be ordering everything online thus I won't have a chance to test anything, so the decisions I make will rely only upon your advice.

As for the audio interface I've already made my choice. I'll be buying the RME Multiface which will cost roughly $1000. That leaves me with another 1000 (or more like I said above :)).

The rest I'm planning on getting is a preamp, monitors, mics and a guitar amp for recording. This is where you guys come in :)

I don't have the slightest idea when it comes to preamps. They should be good enough to record guitars, bass and vocals. I feel the ideal preamp for me would be a 4 channel one. The minimum channels I will need is 2 channels. I know that good preamps are expensive so I would prefer a good 2 channel preamp over an average 4 channel one. Quality comes first :)

Same goes for monitors, I don't have a clue. I've been reading that the Yamaha MSP5's are very good monitors for the price and I would go for them if you guys can recommend them enough.

As for mics I know for a fact that I'll need an SM57 for the guitar. Will it cut it for the bass as well? What about vocal mic?

I feel that after doing a bit of research, it's better to have a small 10-30W amp to record instead of a large 100W one. I will need tons of distortion. I've been looking over some Marshall amps, the MG10CD and the MG15DFX, which look nice.

Well that's all... for now :)
On your budget of 3K (I dont think 2K would do it). Heres my list from personal experience.

Behringer Truth monitors $400.00

H&K Edition Tube amp (used) $300.00

AT4050 (used) $350.00

RNP preamp (2 channels) and an RNC compressor combo $800.00

SM57 $75.00

I would recommend higher end preamps, but its your buget. IMO, this setup will blow your mind, in terms of what you would consider album ready.
don't forget you will prolly need a set of headphones as well to lay down your vocals as well as do some late night editng. I would suggest a set of audio technicas. i just got a pair yesterday for 100 Canadian and they are great.

So what kind of amp do you use normally for gigging? If you have your stuff together maybe you would be better off renting a sweet amp for a month or so insted of buying one.
Why do you want to blow half your budget on the Multiface when you don't need 8 converters? You are only recording one instrument at a time.
mshilarious said:
Why do you want to blow half your budget on the Multiface when you don't need 8 converters? You are only recording one instrument at a time.
Cause I'm after the best sound possible. I know that RME converters are considered to be up with the best. Plus I don't wanna limit myself cause one day I might need to record 8 channels simultaneously. Great sound isn't achieved with only great converters though so I'll need to get my hands on some decent mics and pretty good preamp.

I made a lot of research the past hours and I've decided to go with the Yamaha MSP5's for monitors. A lot of people seem to like them stating that for the price of $500 for a pair, few monitors come even close to the performance of the MSP5's.

A few mics that caught my eye are Studio Projects C1 (for multiple use) and C3 (for vocals). How does the C3 fare with the AT4050 which was recommended by musical5?

As for the preamp, I haven't seen enough people recommending the RNP to convince me to go and buy it yet. The Sytek MPX-4Aii that I've seen being mentioned several times in various forums feels a like better buy, but what do I know? :)

Anyway, that's all from the researching front at the moment...

Oh to minonfifa: Headphones are the least important right now :) When I get the necessary to start recording then I'll be looking for a set of headphones. As for gigging, I don't have a band to be doing it... The amp I'm using right now is a small Fender 30W which a friend lend me. I'm not exactly satisfied with its sound but it's ok for practicing...
kostein said:
As for the preamp, I haven't seen enough people recommending the RNP to convince me to go and buy it yet.

You're not looking very hard enough.
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what equipment are you upgrading from (what do you currently own? what equipment do you have expereince using)?
Make three calls
1) Mercenary-ask for Fletcher
2) Great River Electronics-Ask for Dan Kennedy
3) Your bank- ask for the loan officer
Well, if your looking for a compressor, a good friend of mine is selling a brand new one "Summit TLA-50 Tube Leveling Amplifier" for only $500.00 .. brand new, never used, with all the papers and etc. If your interested let me know.

Good luck in your search
Big Kenny said:
Make three calls
1) Mercenary-ask for Fletcher
2) Great River Electronics-Ask for Dan Kennedy
3) Your bank- ask for the loan officer

LOL. Now that was funny.