I need an answer dang it!


New member
Does any body have any clue as to how much i should be paying for an old, used (and working) "traynor 4200 powered mixer"? Sorry if im sounding a bit pushy, but I've posted this before and i havent recieved a single answer! please help.
Will you be using it in "PA/Live" applications or are you attempting to use it for recording?
The model you are referring to is no longer made and replacement parts may be hard to find.
Traynor amps and mixers are owned and originally manufactured by Yorkville Sound.
See www.yorkville.com
Good Luck!
You should pay market value minus depreciation for any damage to the mixer.
Sorry if I'm sounding a bit vague, but usually when people don't know the answer, no amount of shouting will result in a decent one.
I answered this question in "NEWBIES"

Just FYI, multiple posts of the same subject are frowned upon here. I answered this question in the NEWBIES forum.

Dom Franco
My bad - sorry Mr. Franco - i didnt relize anyone replied to the other message i had posted. thanks