I need all you peoples help!!!


New member
Hey all. I have an assignment for a magazine to get info about songwriting. I have this section for everyone's tips. You got any for me??? I'm hoping for a big turnout on this one. Just give me anything you think i may be able to use!!!

Thanx alot evryone!!!
really anything that you think it would be important for new songwriters to know. knowing how to write songs would be really helpful to put in the mag. And so would any thing else you think....i really don't know, i'm not a very good songwriter. *looks around suspiciously*. Anything would be alot of help. I do need the info by the 20th though. My deadline is the 22nd :(.

I'll bite...

How you were selected to write anything is totally beyond me, much less an article about writing. Your lack of grammar is staggering.

Hey all. I have an assignment for a magazine to get info about songwriting. I have this section for everyone's tips. You got any for me??? I'm hoping for a big turnout on this one. Just give me anything you think i may be able to use!!!
really anything that you think it would be important for new songwriters to know. knowing how to write songs would be really helpful to put in the mag. And so would any thing else you think....i really don't know, i'm not a very good songwriter. *looks around suspiciously*. Anything would be alot of help. I do need the info by the 20th though. My deadline is the 22nd .
I hope this counts as "anything".
Ok, that was just a little rude. I'm sure you couldn't write anything to save your life, not that it's really worth anything. I am only 14, and I work for a god-damned magazine! And, I have a book that I just sent out to the publishing company YESTERDAY! Does that tell you anything? Well, just some more information. For state assessments last year, I got one of the top essays in the state. I can write, and I have an immense sense of grammar, as well as vocabulary, more than you'll ever have. Whether I choose to use that to my advantage while I'm typing on the god-damned internet where it really doesn't give a fuck, that's up to me. Now, before I leave, I have one more thing to tell you. I thought this was a really great site. I've been trying to set up a home recording studio at my house, and the people on here have been the most kind and patient with me. Which is why I decided to ask for everyones help on songwriting, but now, I don't want anything to do with it. And it's all because of you. How does that make you feel? Does this count as "anything"?
Ahh...Ignore jjtcorsair, he't the local idiot. I wouldn't let him control you by making you leave. Your welcome, english skills or not.

You may want to check out this article on melody, rhythm, and harmony:


Those are the essentials to any song, at least, any western song.

As far as methods, everyone has to make up their own. Some people start with rhythm, some with the melody. Some with the bass, some with the guitar, and some people start with vocals.

Hope this helps!
Hi, If your still out there or monitoring this mail I'd like to give you some idea of how go about writting songs. Fisrtly I don't have any set formula. Inspiration can come from anywhere but i usually find i've either got a tune that i want to put some lyrics to or i've a couple of lines i really like or maybe a poem that I want to put some music around. I usually find i end up with a couple of verses a chorus and some sort of middle eight or change. I think the next most important thing to do is structure the song, this can change at any time (hey it's my song) but i find if i mess around with for too long nothing really gets done with it and it never progresses. The next thing i do is record it. I have an adequate home studio set up and as I am not in a band this gives me a way to start rehearsing the different parts (Instruments , Vocals etc) and also with the editing capabilities of my recording equipment I can rearrange the song into any order I want. As i rehearse songs over and over things start to stand out like musical changes that make the song more interesting or do the drum fills do justice to the chorus etc. I suppose this is the fine tuning of the song structure really and is where you can start making your song stand out and help to hold the interest of the listener. Anyway once all this is done I would start to record a final version of the song. If I could give you a couple of tips that work for me.

Go with what you've got, Don't try to set your goals to high, by this i mean if every time you sit down to write your aiming for Stairway to Heaven your gonna be disappointed.

Structure Structure Structure - Even if you've got just two verses and a chorus. Put them together and you have a song - If you keep playing through the rest should occur fairly natrually.

Recording - recording and Mixing are two completely separate creative processes - Keep them that way. take your time and enjoy your music.

Good luck with your article. Wouldn't mind seeing it if it goes online.

***kerplunk**** That's the sound of my ass hitting the ground after getting knocked off my high horse. I deserve it.

Amber, I hope you come back and read this because I owe you an apology. I guess I wasn't in the best mood when I replied to your post. No excuse.

Sorry and good luck with your project.

You're right, you did get what you deserved. But I got a whole lot of respect for you for being able to admit it, and standing up to admit you were wrong. Props.

Too many people defend their stupidity all the way to the grave....

jjtcorsair said:
***kerplunk**** That's the sound of my ass hitting the ground after getting knocked off my high horse. I deserve it.

Amber, I hope you come back and read this because I owe you an apology. I guess I wasn't in the best mood when I replied to your post. No excuse.

Sorry and good luck with your project.

You're a class act jjtcorsair!Somehow,I knew you would be back to apologize to the young lady.There are not a lot of people on this board with the class to admit when they get a little out of line.