I need advice


New member
I pressed my lp Ive dropped them off at stores Im playing live passing out flyers I don't count on radion since I'll only get one spin Im going to hit up the collages I can't afford a street team and having trouble ssembling one for free what else can I do to get these cds off the shelves ? thanks
keep playing live and passing out flyers is the best thing you can do... you just eed to hit up every spot night clubs, every where you go, walmart, grocery stores..just keep performing and passing out flyers to your shows and where to buy your album at..
Yeah Cell I was a lil like that too...haha

But here's my 2 cents...your raps don't exactly sound professional yet. The mix is...well, not there, and I don't think you're really there yet. :/

Take it as feedback, not a diss.

You can hustle your music every day all day, but you need good product first.
What up Physical.. hey i really wasn't trying to clown- but sometimes we really gotta look past our own product and ask.. " who will listen to this"
Did I hear you say "Playing Fuckin Craps like I'm Black"?

Dude, that is wacked!

Have you ever tried fly fishing? 'Cause spitting is not your calling!!!

I mean, if you really have a passion for music, get in where you fit in, maybe being a member on someone else's street team..............

I'm sorry but you're sorry!:confused:
no Im not going to join a street team no cash in it, Ice Cube said best, plenty of people will not like your stuff and you"ll get turn down a bunch.
I knew coming into the game thier were going to be lots of people not liking my stuff but how many records did lil wayne sell sure millions but thats not the majority of america or the world I hope you get what Im trying to say
If you rap and people say you suck then take it as constructive criticism and keep moving foward
well James at least you have the right attitude for this business. I personally wouldn't listen to your music as it is now... but who knows, maybe one day soon i will. Keep it up- :cool:
seriously. no amount of flyering or myspace spamming or street teaming is going to make the performance you're trying to sell worth listening to. this might be a start to get yourself some shows where maybe you can impress people live, and in the meantime you can hone your skills and put together something stronger.

in my opinion, the sound quality of your tracks is lacking, and you might try and work on putting some more power behind your delivery.
seriously. no amount of flyering or myspace spamming or street teaming is going to make the performance you're trying to sell worth listening to. this might be a start to get yourself some shows where maybe you can impress people live, and in the meantime you can hone your skills and put together something stronger.

in my opinion, the sound quality of your tracks is lacking, and you might try and work on putting some more power behind your delivery.

nicely said.. James seems to be sincere about his music, so all we can do is give him honest feedback in which he can take in and feed off of. Anybody else have anything to add???
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no Im not going to join a street team no cash in it

There's more to music than just making money. If money is what you're after, then your passion is business; not music.

Now let's talk about your music. I personally wouldn't buy it because well, it just doesn't sound pro. The mixing is bad as well (the bass is too loud).

My advice is to use this site:

It's a site for independent musicians and it is kinda like American Idol for all genres. You enter your song and it will go to the "Audition" process and depending on the votes it may move up to the "Final" stage and then finally to the SongVault's Radio Directory (where you get a permanent place) and it will show up on the Hip-Hop Radio's top 40 charts:

I'm not a rapper (I'm a singer) and I have worked with a good rapper by the name of Sam-r on a song called "It's A Message" (http://www.songvault.fm/search.htm?search=it's a message) . So far we're on the top place under Radio Directory (we have a permanent place due to the votes). If people like your songs, they will vote for it and you will also get on the top as well :)

your sound quality is bad.

your rhymes are basic, single rhyme scheme...weak

your delivery and flow lacks,

your content is poor, ima kill this, that, glocks

pretty weak overall

good thing is your voice is actually decent so

like that crybaby son lol. rofl