I Need a Soft Synth for Guitar Treatments


New member
Hi all!

So Im looking for a soft synth that works more as a filter for audio rather than something triggered by midi. (or it can be both)

Im really looking to do synth treatments on some recorded guitar parts to make them really stand out and to create all sorts of crazyness.

Im really very new to the soft synth world, so I would really appreciate some recommendations of anything that can do this well.

My first try was with arturia Moog Modular (lets face it modular synths are awesome!). I downloaded the free demo but it just seems to complicated for my needs, and I couldnt really figure out how to process recorded parts trough it. It does work when I use it with the virtual keyboard in the interface but nothing happens when trying to process a recorded signal through it. Im using Cubase SX3.

Anyway I just want something that's not as complicated as the modular but can still be very versatile. My budget is anywhere from $300-$500.

Thanks very much!
You can never go wrong with U-He synths.

Zebra 2 is a semi-modular synth that now has an fx version that will let it process external audio through its range of filters, and processors.

If you're not planning using it as a synth, you could go for the Uhbik range of fx, all in all pretty tasty. http://www.uhbik.com/.

fabfilter has some pretty nice fx like volcano (no delay) and timeless.

audio damage is another source of cheap and cheerful effects. Big seq sounds like it might meet your needs. http://www.audiodamage.com/effects/product.php?pid=AD022