I need a low cost portable vocal booth

Any DIY ideas? As it is the walls are thick enough. Like you can hear a neighbour's TV or stereo blasting from the corridor, but not from within the apartment, and you will hear partying neighbors as they're heading to the elevators - that apartment door is pretty noise transparent.

The bottomline is I end up recording my vocals either singing at a low volume (as I don't want the neighbors to hear me) which results in vocals that lack energy and that can be flat in pitch.

Guitars, bass & keyboards are no problems as I DI them all. It's the vocals I'd like to isolate ... I can either figure out a way to sound proof my front door or to come up with a portable vocal booth that's easy to set up and easy to fold up & store under the bed ...

Any ideas?
id look around in the mixing/mastering forum...i think i saw a post there on a potable vocal booth made of pvc piping and heavy heavy blankets.

add on:

ill look around for it, for ya.