I need a keyboard/synth/digital piano (?)


New member
I'd like a keyboard of some sort to do some layering on some songs I am currently working on, and to use on future projects.
The current project is folk/blues/rock kind of stuff and my next one will just be soundscapes.
I know nothing about keyboards so I'm looking for some help.
In terms of a sound bank I'm looking for some very good piano, cello (strings in general), pads, and maybe percussion if possible. I'm looking to make some wagnerian type stuff... I also like Dvorak....and for my rock songs I just need it for simple overdubs and stuff.
I'm looking for something with very realistic sounds, something simple I don't need to rely on a computer in order to use (with an easy interface), and I'd like a keyboard with full-bodied piano type keys (what are those called?) because I plan to teach myself to play using this and I'm not really interested in learning with those thin keyboard keys.
Any help or a step in the right direction would be great. Budget isnt much of an issue but $600-$1000 would be good.. I can go a little higher if necessary. I want something I can keep around for a long time.

a grand for an 88 key weighted synth is pushing it. Kurzweil PC1XL is about 1300. I would look used for your first synth, so check classifieds or ebay
You might look at a weighted 88 key controller (fatar, m-audio) and something like a used motif rack. could prob pick up that combo for around 1200 or so. maybe look at some korg triton le88 used. If you are so inclined, look at the nord stage88 (big$) but that would solve all your problems.
:D Yo Fenace the menace:]

There are SO many keyboards out there; like check the ads in AMS's catalog, and others. Also, just punch any keyboard's name into Googlemania and, Voila, all kinds of offers and INFORMATION AND SPECS.

If it were me, I'd wait until 2007--lots of better deals in January. However, do not wait if you find a good deal on a keyboard you want.

Also, searching here will give you many bits of info from the members of the BBS orchestra. :D

I use a Motif ES61. If I live another 100 years, I'll never use all the stuff built into that keyboard. Great sounds. However, I suspect, so you don't suspect I work for Yam, that the other major synths have good patches too.

Maybe visit a vendor in your neck of the woods and check out FOR REAL what a particular board can or can't do.

Happy Thanksgiving
Green Hornet :cool: