I need a cheap mike: please help


New member
I'm in the process of buying a four track (either a Yamaha MTX or a Tascam PS414) and I need a very cheap mike that would only need to be suitable for home ompositions but at the same time would be reasonably consistent with the quality of the four track I'm getting.

Any advice about what mike to buy would be greatly appreciated
(and also if you know anything about either the Yamaha or the Tascam that would be very helpful too)

Well, i dont know if she's in your range of price but the SHure SM 57, from my experience will get you pretty far....there may be other alternatives though.
Or are you in the 20-40 $ price range?
hmmmm Thanks.
how much would a SHure SM57 cost??

I'm in Australia, but I guess if you converted the currencies I wouldn't be keen to spend much more than $50 - or would a mike for that much spoil the work my four track does?
Best Buy sells an AudioTechnica mic for around $40 (I forget the exact name, but it's the only one from AT selling in that price range). I think this mic isn't bad --- Ive used it for guitar amps, snare, etc. I've also posted elsewhere that I think the SM57 is over-rated (Why does everyone get stuck buying the SM57 ? --- I think it's barely better than RadioShack mics). The important thing to remember is that there are a lot of different kinds of microphones out there, for a lot of different prices. While the mainstream view is to buy the SM57, I say --- Dare to be different! You might even save money.
Thanks for the advice. I'll consider the SM57 and the AT

The thing is I've found an AKG D880 for substantialy less than the SMs , but would this just be a dud mic????
I've got the AKG D770 (I think that's the even crappier model of the same mike) and it works for me! I'd like a little more sensitivity but with a little upstream boost it works fine.
Hey does anybody else remember how when the Three Stooges would get collared for something, and the authorities were dragging them off Moe would yell, 'I need a cheap lawyer!' ?

Went over my head as a kid, but it makes me giggle now. Anybody else twisted like that?