I moved back downstairs

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New member
As one or two of you might remember I just had much work done to my "studio." After that and some minor surgery I have now completed my first mix in my newly refinished studio. At the same time I also upgraded from PT5.0.1 to PT5.1. I think that the mixer in the new version of ProTools sounds much better.

Anyway, The artist name is Clare. Everything except the vocals was recorded to ADAT at her house in San Fran. Next she flew to LA where we did the vocals straight to PT.

Just looking for a bit of feedback.


were those vocals and piano excellent or what.?

I liked the song. It created some beautiful intense tension in my soul. I just wish that a kick and low bass had come in near the end to create some beautiful release.
Vocal and Piano set-up

Thanks for the review.

The piano was a pair or AT4051 in an X-Y pattern 2 feet off the harp run into a Presonus blue mic-pre and an AT 4053 at eye level about 9 feet away into an Avalon M5 for some room sound.

As for Vocals we rented an AKG c12vr and a Neumann U67. After ab'ing the two we went with the Neumann.
Beautiful tune. I think I would also like to hear some more drums (maybe even some strange loops) come in and fill things out a bit.

The recording is beautiful. Vocals and piano sound awesome. I think it could build more in intensity, but otherwise excellent work.
The tune really doesn't do anything for me. I think that it sounds good but there is no real hook to it. It is the type of song that would roll during the credits to a (pardon the phrase) chick flick.

I too think that the song would have been more interesting with a loop. In fact a second drum track was recorded but the drummer just couldn't lock in with the trap set.

The song has this ethereal feeling to it and then we wanted to add a R&B flavor to it but the drummer just couldn't make it work.

The next thing we tried to add was some sort of horn. I guess the Trumpet or Sax would have worked but the artist didn't like either.

I guess this is just another unfinished song.

Thanks for the input.
Here's what I can offer

I agree that the song needed something to help it develop a little, especially towards the end. It sounds like it was well-recorded, though. The piano sounds absolutley great. I might have placed the singer a little further back in the mix via a little more 'verb or delay. She sounds a little too "out front" for my tastes. Bear in mind that as the level of production goes up, the level of my nitpickiness goes up too.
Well done.
Upon relistening to the song I agree that the vocal is a bit up front. I have four different delays and a reverb on it so I guess I need to play with the levels a bit more.

Thanks for the input, I appreciate all of it

Way to go Aaron


Thanks yet again for the input. I went back to the vocal and heard that the sss were a bit to pronounced. I put a desser on the lead vocal (- 31.9db a 4952hz) it enabled me to bring up some of the verb and delays without all of the annoying artifacts.
ECHOS ... EChos ... Echos ... echos


I like using alot of FX when I mix. ie. Desert Highway I have a 64ms delay repeating 2 times to give some depth panned 75% to the left, next a stereo ddl at 775.9ms repeating 2 times 100% to the left and 517.2 repeating 3 times 100% right, there is then a long ddl at 1034 repeating once - very lo level at right 100%. In addition to these I have a pre-delay in the reverb 16ms and yet another delay inside the reverb at 117ms repeating 3 times (34% regen.) Last but not least, certain vocal lines that I want to stand out have been copied to a separate track, moved to an apropriate time and pitched slightly. It's all in there!

Elswhere on the track reside a few more reverbs and delays.
hi jamiecer, thats an exciting new way you just showed me of using reverb or delay. I just hope its not too frustrating when I try it and find that I can't get your pro results.

One question. Do you record the reverb in mono and pan, or do you record the return in stereo and pan?

Thanks for the pro compliment

I am fortunate that my set up allows me enough FX sends and returns that I don't have to record any of my reverbs or ddls. For the most part my reverbs are stereo in and out. I will usually pan from the send leaving the returns hard left and right. Doing it this way enables me to set up a fairly accurate stereo field. If the bgv is at 3 o'clock, I'll pan the aux send of the BGV to 3 o'clock and let the reverb put the echos wherever they should be accordingly.

BTW I do the same thing with drums. I'll only put them in the mix between 2 and 10 o'clock. This gives me a fairly tight kit. Then I let the reverb make it sound bigger. It's not to apparent in this song but it puts the drums in a room but leaves them very focused.

I hope my explanation helps. Thanks again for the feedback.


ps. another thing that really helps with ddl times is called a beat interval table. It's just a chart that has ddl times based upon bpm.

for example if you look up 121.5 bpm it tells you a 1/4 note =493.8ms, 1/8=246.9ms, 1/16=123.5ms, 1/32=61.5ms, 1/64=30.7ms, 1/4*=740.7ms, 1/8*=370.4ms, 1/16*185.2ms, 1/2t=658.4ms, 1/4t=329.2ms, 1/8t=164.6ms, 1/16t=82.3

I don't know if the company that makes it is still in business but there number is 818.710.9306, the cost is $15.00. It saves much time calculating times and messing around wet settinngs.
I had to take down the Song

My ISP was ready to halt my service because of all the thoughput from people downloading the song. I never thought that anyone other than my client would download it so I made the file rater large for quality purposes. I guess it ended up biting me. Anyway, thank you all for listening and giving your comments. I'm sure I'll have another mix up soon.
