i just want to record 2 or more tracks into cubase at once

rick woodall

New member

i have just joined home recording, am not really sure how it works and have never posted anything before, so i'm not even sure if this will get a response. but here goes.

basically i want to record simultaneous tracks into cubase at the same time, i write songs and play the guitar and don't really like doing the two separately as the end result always seems dis-jointed and atificial.

my current situation is - i have a computer with cubase SE(yes i know its out dated) and an emu 0404 sound card. the sound card which comes with 2 jack inputs labeled left and right. i have tried for quite some time to send the signals from the two inputs to individual tracks on cubase but i have concluded that it is impossible, i expect this is because the two inputs are a left and a right rather than inputs in their own right.

so i have now come to the point where i am considering buying new equipment possibly some kind of mixing desc that will interface with cubase. i looked at the alesis multimix 8 usb (the cheaper version), it looked good at first because it came with a version of cubase so i wouldnt have to worry about it being conpatable with mine. but after scouring user reviews, from what i gather it can only record one track at once!? does any one know if this is definitely the case? if this is true then it isnt really a multi track recorder and would be useless to me.

if any one has any products they would like to recommend to me to help me in my plight it would be much apreciated.

ps my computer isnt great (pentium 4 3.2, one 30gb hard drive and one 80 gb hard drive runing on windows xp) but i think it should be able to handle most equipment and software available.

rick woodall
... from what i gather it can only record one track at once!? ...

Cubase can record as many tracks as you want to record at once.

First go to the VST Inputs (under "Devices" up top) and turn on the inputs you want to use.

Then on each track you want to record on, turn the "record enable" button on. It's got a black circle in the middle of it. It should be red colored for each track you want to record.

Next hit record on the transport at the bottom and start recording. :)
What he said ^^^

In Cubase you should be able to set up two tracks for recording, with one configured as a mono track to read only the left channel, and the other as a mono track to read only the right channel.
cheers for the reply mate but thats not really what i meant. i think the title of my post was missleading. what i meant was i want to record seperate tracks from different sources, for example one from guitar and one from mic, and mix them seperately. i was basicaly asking if any one had any recomendations about equipment ie external mixing desks and what not, that might let me do this. i have an emu 0404 sound card with 2 jack inputs at the moment but as far as i can tell the two jacks are just the left and right of one actual input. sorry about the confusion i think it might be a good idea if i post my question under a more fitting title. cheers any way though.
No we get it. You can use the 0404 to record 2 seperate channels into 2 seperate tracks.

Example, plug your mic into the left input. On channel 1 in cubase set the input to left mono. Plug your guitar into the right input. Set channel 2 in cubase to record the right input in mono. 2 seperate inputs to 2 different tracks. After they are recorded, you can mute, solo, eq, tantalize, supersize, whatever you want.

As for gear, there are about 100,000 options for interfaces that will get you there. Have a look at the Tweak guide for some instruction.
bizzarly patchmix recognises both channels but cubase is being a bugger about it. i activate pci card right and pci card left in vst inputs but cubase will only get a signan from either one of them.