I just wanna use cakewalk as sound module

bob young

New member
I know I'm gonna sound like a dolt..but...

I'm recording some stuff on a roland vs880 using an outboard sequencer.
I want to thicken a sound and I'd like to use a string patch that's on my computer in cakewalk(gold)

I'm midied in and when I turn on the sequencer I get the sound ok but it's playing on all the midi channels...
the part I want to thicken is on midi channel 5 on the sequencer. but cake walk is playing back all the midi channels


Hey, Bob.

I don't really know Cakewalk Gold (never heard of it actually), but if this were SONAR or HomeStudio, I would guess that the problem was that your Input in your Cakewalk track was set to MIDI Omni instead of MIDI Channel 5. So perhaps there's something similar to this in Gold.

HTH! :)