I [i]feel[/i] like this is done?


New member

Please give this number a listen.

Some(on another site) commented that it sounds like the guitarist mixed it. Not true. I mixed it and you definilty cant even hear[i/] my part most of the time (the distorted fender piano bass during the verses). So I think I kep a pretty good bird eye view of the song as a song.

The vocals are a bit on the precious side but thats how the guy sings, he being...ernest, sue us.

Do Tell, Thanks



The track in question is called Like An Army w/ Banners

but feel free to hear the other tunes as well

Great tune! It has a great groove. The drum intro is unique, creative and fits the mood of the song well. Vox sound good, I really like the harmony at the end, very cool!

I would agree with others that the guitar is mixed just a little hot. I might also try to seperate the rhythm from the lead at around 2:30 by panning them away from each other and pos offsetting eq. It seems like sometimes I hear the bass and other times it sort of disappears. Could just be me.

All in all, very well done!!
I think the guitar is fine in the mix. I might back off it a bit when the piano part came in and then bring it back after that...but its fine for the other parts.
Great song-writing and a powerful performance.
Probably ready 4 prime time.
Wouldn't mind hearing the piano more when it comes in.
Confident vocals. Singer seems very sure what he wants to do.
Nice playing and song. I thought the vocals could come up a tad.

I agree that the piano @ 1:40 comes in too loud for my taste.

Thought the edge of the guitar started to clip or distort or something around the change through 2:10ish.

Try a short-delay on the falsetto voice bits to make them cut more.

I like the "For you"'s with gtr. + harmony at 3:20 -> out.

I hereby pronounce this radio friendly.

:) Q.

FWIW - I would have liked to hear the vocals stay up and the music fade out as opposed to ending with the gtr whalesong.
Excellent! well if I am hearing correctly; a few minor tweaks and I should be in like Flynn.

Thats great news. Thanks for the great comments!