I have Another Track :)


New member
lol ok, within the last 2 days Ive done 4 tracks.. Ona roll.. Im in florida now visiting my school, i go visit tommorow.. But anyway I did this track and im happy cuz it came out good.. The last couple of tracks Ive just been doing tracks for people to like, they dont really have any meaning.. Hope you enjoy... Lol its not really finished, i did it after not sleeping for like 36 hours, so when i finished recording I just passed out on my bed haha.. Anyway hope you like..


its called " Sparatic "

didnt spend much time on the quality cuz its not my beat but enjoy.. Leave your link and ill reply to it.. Thanks
I'm not really too keen on the beat.

You came good as always though, so I guess I half-liked it, though by no problem on your half - just not really feeling the beat.

I listened to that G-unit track you did too - I liked it.

I liked this a lot:

"If I'm better than someone I should get paid for it, right?
Well I'm not so fuck you and I hope that you hear it,
Or you can sign me and I'll deny all of these lyrics"

Made me smile.

All in all these are pretty well done, though personally I think you're better when you're on your own stuff than other artist's tracks.

Good work.
i wasnt too keen on the decapbeat one or the sacario/martinez beat one but the g unit remix was off the hook... your flow is very commercial and polished... i want the mp3!!
that hot boy line is really good, i find that you allude to heaps to really good shit, i like your style heaps thirst... not just sayin it either, great flow, and choice of rhymes.

anyway chea 4 da link

just listening to g unit on repeat now lata
Cool beats n shit. What do yo use to record with, pc, hardware, what programs do you use if pc?.........................

The quality sounds good................pM
Custom built computer by me
pentium 4 3.6Ghz
256MB ATI radeon 9800
Soundblaster Audigy platinum 2 ex sound card
350 GB internal HD
100GB external
Event tr5 studio monitors
Rode NTK( Aint a better mic under a 1000.00 to me)
Rode NT1
shure sm58
behringer mixer
monster cables
Other misc things done to computer fans n such etc
Cool Edit sometimes
Nuendo mostly
Fruity loops for my beats
T Racks mastering software( if used right works very very well)
Old keyboard, guitar
more stuff jus not sure..

I just got back from florida... Went to fullsail.. Let me tell you man that place is nice, definately worth the money.. They didnt sell me with the equipment the teachers are actually what sold me.. I had a million questions and got a good answer everytime.. I spoke to alot of the students there and ya know I was very suprised how accredited this school is.. People around orlando knew it, a teacher that teachs at USF knew student from there.. oh yea, haha and 6 songs coming up on next months emmy awards were engineered by full sail students.. Im very glad I went to check this school out, it was amazing how far people come to go here.. There was a kid from alaska, another from tennesee, newjersey australia.. I couldnt believe it, goood people.. And it is in orlando, man that city was nice.. 2 studios inside valued at over 3 million EACH... Simply amazing inside.. Sorry for rambling I literally Just got back from florida and I was very impressed So I had to tell someone lol... Anyway, yes that is my setup lmao.. haha enjoy
Yo Thirst, before you drop dime on Fullsail, I suggest you do some reading homie...


Seriously, I had my application in my hand on the way to the Post Office when I found that... changed my mind completely dogg...

There are much better schools out there, for the same price.

Stay Up.

Thirst said:
Custom built computer by me
pentium 4 3.6Ghz
256MB ATI radeon 9800
Soundblaster Audigy platinum 2 ex sound card
350 GB internal HD
100GB external
Event tr5 studio monitors
Rode NTK( Aint a better mic under a 1000.00 to me)
Rode NT1
shure sm58
behringer mixer
monster cables
Other misc things done to computer fans n such etc
Cool Edit sometimes
Nuendo mostly
Fruity loops for my beats
T Racks mastering software( if used right works very very well)
Old keyboard, guitar
more stuff jus not sure..

All that on the computer and still using a soundblaster?

You didn;t mention any pre-amps...are you using the behringer?

I really like the vocals of your tunes- good performances and double/triple tracking.

ok change.. lmao yea i seen that website and nope you wont convince me that there are better schools.. Ive done more research on this then alot of people have.. I have 2 of the top sound schools in my home state less then 45 minutes from both.. Ive done both tours to both schools and read both academic rosters, including fullsails.. both of these schools are 4 year colleges which I dont want, and new england art institute also is a top school for it.. Full sail dwarfs these colleges in the equipment feild.. Class wise they were all the same, full sail is a 24/7 facility that has 6 students per class.. 4 hours of class and 4 hours of lab a day... Ive done more research then anyone here as I am very serious about this aspect of my life.. Ive talked to multiple studios, students, teachers and faculty..

If at any time you want to ask me a question that you think would pertain to knocking fullsail go ahead and ask.. Ive read that fullsailsucks website, and its just a student that got sour at fullsail and probably owes them alot of money.. Ask anyone familiar with the fullsail program.. It is intense, you can have class at 3am... Its a fast paced learning facility, not for the slower type of people that need to read the same page over 3 times before they take in the information on that one page.. Plus all 3 schools over here are more expensive then fullsail and dont offer what fullsail offers...

HEY CHRIS, yea i only use the power supply that came with my NTK mic, soundblaster is a very good sound card.. I dont care what the top guys here said.. I told them id compare my vocals or recordings to theres n they shut their mouth.. Its a 24\96khz card, and I turn out better results then my boy with his delta 66 omni studio card setup... But yea Im very happy, if i had to record multiple things or wanted to upgrade I would only go for that digi 002, or 001... thanks alot..
Thirst said:
soundblaster is a very good sound card..
Yes, it IS a good soundcard.... for playing games....

For audio, thick-head, it doesn't rate at all..... whatever education you do get, I hope you learn something -- because you've gotten a lot of good advice here, and yet seemed to have learned very little from it........

Blue Bear Sound said:
Yes, it IS a good soundcard.... for playing games....

For audio, thick-head, it doesn't rate at all..... whatever education you do get, I hope you learn something -- because you've gotten a lot of good advice here, and yet seemed to have learned very little from it........

Why do you always look down on people? You're no better than anyone else, so get off your horse.

If he got advice, and chose not to take it, that's his choice... he doesn't have to do what anyone says. It's his music.

Thirst... I'm not knocking the school... I'm just saying, there's hundreds of people who've posted on that site, who all share similar experiences from Full Sail. It's not just one kid... it's hundreds of people. Even teachers from the school have posted on there, saying how the Administration doesn't really care about the students, only getting their money...

I hope you don't have an experience like that. Good luck to you if you go. As you know, you'll get as much as you apply yourself, so you do you.
Definately... I belive alot of people did post at that site, but from what I saw there I just thought there was too much bickering going on.. There talking about drawing law suits and I checked with the better business buearu and they had 2 complaints filed against full sail..

BlueBearSound, I already told you I would compare my songs with yours.. Ive yet to hear you agree.. You can talk all the shit you want about soundblaster, At the end of the day the plain n simple facts are that the card does an exceptional job recording.. Please seriously like change shut do yourself a favor and stop throwing your opinion around like its a boulder.. People have literally heard the results from MY PROJECTS, each one has said the quality and sound of the mixes sounds very well... Thats just the way it is blue.. Dont like it? Then dont post here.. Its that simple...
your qualitys alright but ima get a compressort dats how u get dat perfect leveled sound i cant believe u got alll dat shit and u dont got no compressor for your vocal.
Thirst, you seem to think this is an argument.

It's not. We're just informing you that Soundblaster sucks.

Of course, if you're just importing a Triton stereo wav. (or mp3 instrumental) into your computer, and adding a single vocal track, then the impact of the SB's suckiness is much less than if you're recording 16+ tracks of music.

So, go ahead and use your SB card, but shut up until you know what you're talking about.
woohooo g unit mp3 up time to get that bad boy.
Thirst don't listen to this shit, ok soundblaster aint great but big shit, it sounds good to me if yall kno wat im sayiN!!!!!!!!!!
Thirst said:
You can talk all the shit you want about soundblaster, At the end of the day the plain n simple facts are that the card does an exceptional job recording..
You need some knowledge and possibly a hearing check then... SB is far from exceptional --- it's a toy - nothing more........

When you start learning something and gaining some real knowledge instead of the shit you keep spewing, then you can post your "facts" -- until then, shut-the-bloody-fuck-up............ :rolleyes:
Aside from the battle at hand, serious question.

@ Thirst.....Do you use compression on your instrumentals? If so do you compress the over all track or each individual track, or both? Cuz I play your shit and it makes my beats sound dead in comparison.

Comment directed towards anyone with some advice.......

I only use compression on the bass and sometimes the kick drums when I make beats, cuz I am under the impression using compression is a "very bad" thing to use or overly use if you plan to have your material professionally mastered later on down the line. Im open to any suggestions, thoughts, etc..............peace, pM
Compression is a good thing, just dont over do it.. Its like sugar lol..

I DONT NEED AN OUTBOARD COMPRESSOR.. I use a digital compressor inside my software as my budget isnt big enough to have the luxury of an outboard peice of equipment as such.... A friendly engineer was telling me about one that was 200.00 but I figure my setup seems to be sounding good so if it aint broke dont fix it right.. Unless I walk into 2 thousand extra dollars to buy a digi 02.. lol

I master the whole track in T racks after Ive mixed everything down.. It depends.. Cuz I Eq and put a slight reverb on all the vocals, all my own settings.. I use a 30 band Eq to hone in on things to pull them together.. After ive listened a couple of times depending on which sound Im aiming for I mix down to a WAV and import into T RACKS mastering software.. True its not mixed ina multi million dollar facility or on some state of the art monitors but my setup more then gets the job done, and people like blue bear I guess have dicks up their ass for some reason.. Oh well, I'll continue to do me and help out who I can.. Thanks..

on another note..

MALCORE and BLUE, both yall need to take a hike seriously.. To be honest I dont care what you think about soundblaster, my results speak for themselves.. Im not talking about recording 16 tracks MALCORE, im talking about doing what I do, one track at a time.. and I mix the beat myself when I buy them as my mixing skills have recieved a touch up.. You think i dont know what im talking about, but everytime someone listens to my music I get no complaints so that must mean im doing something right..
Thirst said:
You think i dont know what im talking about, but everytime someone listens to my music I get no complaints so that must mean im doing something right..
The general public typically have relatively poor listening skills and are very forgiving of poor sound quality.... so the fact that the you don't get complaints from casual listeners is no proof of anything.

Most people consider MP3s to be a good-sounding audio medium....
lol who the fuck are you making music for you fool? Your making it for the general publics poor listening you moook.. Dog seriously stop replying in my threads.. I decided not to talk to the selected few that felt like acting and posting like remedial people so please do the same and shut the fuck up.. Pardon my rudeness but I dont think there is any other way of dealing with people like you.. Its like your 5 years old.. Bro, THEY LIKE MY MUSIC, THATS IT.. Enough people have told me my quality is really good, including engineers with studios that dwarf yours pal, so just leave it be..
Thirst said:
Enough people have told me my quality is really good, including engineers with studios that dwarf yours pal....
If that's true, then I'm afraid those engineers were either being polite to you, or they don't have very good ears..... I've heard your clips - musical style notwithstanding, the audio quality is mediocre at best..........

And if you don't like the responses you get from the posts you put up on a PUBLIC FORUM, then stop fucking posting here, "pal"..............
