I Hate Midi!!!!

Yeah, maybe, but it would still be 10X better than mine!:D I just am needing someone to come over and show me how to use it and use it to my advantage, do you know any one like that that could come over for 20$ hr. and teach me here in Yakima Washington?;)
Don't know nobody in Yakima (hmmm, sounds like a possible song...)

Did you try the local community college? They might have a music technology class or two... (in fact, that's how I started).
Al, things are pretty stripped down and basic out here in the desert, im lucky to be taking an I.T. course!:D But I always appreciate a new link Gidge,to help me out further, thanks.
mmmmm... i love midi. Even used it when i played in a regular band (now i'm a solo electronic artist). Can't wait till they make it 16 bit instead of this stupid max 128 division.
MIDI is the best thing in the world! i dont know where id be if I didni't have it! no automation, no sequencing, what a horrible world...lol