I Got Balls of Steeel!

Big Izzy

New member
**Edit** Here is the link to my youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoEZBBUYDNc

so i will work up the courage to share my work! but before that, i wont be rude.

My name is Issac, everyone calls me "Izzy" so thats where Big Izzy came from :] im from Connecticut, USA a small city. Ive been messing with beat making before i started to record, around 4 years ago when i was bored. Then i started to make music, just to see how it would sound.

Im new to being online social (lol) besides my facebook, but doesnt mean go easy on me. I love true talk, let me know if its good, your likes/dislikes. Just recently put videos of my music up on youtube just to see whats up, obviously no views (Only have 2, first i uploaded a year ago and got.. 60 views? xD)

Cant seem to link, i apologize. You can type "Big Izzy" in the search, or look me up! BigIzzyCT at Youtube

title is "F*ck You" also, if possible check my 2nd "Heart go Boom Boom" all the girls around here seem to dig it haha. Btw, its rap :x

Hope to get to know some of you guys and your work, i will be supporting anyone i find, hope to recieve the same! Not just another random member, hope to build a bond with you guys! Thank You -Izzy
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Oh, man, please change the font color to black- red is hard to read, at least with the tan background my browser is set to.

You need 10 posts to include a link, I think. Only two away- do it the honest way, instead of just throwing up a couple of meaningless posts (it could be argued that EVERYTHING here is meaningless, but I am not in the mood to get into an existentialist argument, this morning.)
i apologize, figured id throw my favorite color in there lol. Will continue to use black from now on >.> im doing in the legit way i think, im checking out peoples recordings, sending em some love through their facebook.

Sorry steve
Yeah, kid you got ballz, saying "I won't be rude," and then posting a song that's titled "Fuck You!" :D

The song is not to my taste, but so what? Thanks for posting, and welcome to HR.
You got voice, but you still have a little stretch of road ahead of you. The song is hard, keep it up!