I Got A Girl.mp3

Wow, this is unbelievable. I dunno why, but I expected better from someone who posted five times with different stuff. 1) drums are way too loud. 2) thusly everything else isn't (except vocals, which are also too loud). 3) ok, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is bad. It needs real help. I think a lot of problems could easily be solved by reading a lot of stuff on this website before posting. So yea, that's my advice. Read all you can from Harvey, Ed, and others and then remix, and then repost.

do you have bovine persperation on the upper lip area??

not bad, Frank...


...but the intro's part of the song...
It took me 2 weeks to write that hissing part with all the clicks & stuff...
lol... yeah... course it's a joke. Our way of making fun of some of the teen bands that used to record at the local studio.
the vocals are done in a bathroom.. & the guy takes a piss while he's in there... the bass is all done on one note (cause the guy doesn't know how to play bass) except for the very last note.. then it's one octave higher (cause that's the only other note he knows).. the lead guitar sucks (cause the guy's drunk) the vocalist has to be constantly reminded where to start singing again ... one of the background vocalists has smokers cough... then there's the lyrics which are kinda serious but really stupid at the same time.
damn....now that we know it's a joke...it's not funny no mo':mad: :(

ruin it for the rest of us now...!!

(get ready on that toilet flush!!)