I for audio, I for everything else?


New member
I have just removed all the xtra stuff form my studio computer,IE., the 64mb vidio card, modem, network card, and went back to using everything that came stock with it. It cleared up my noise floor to almost nothing! I'm using the SB PCI512 card, so it's not totaly gone, but very acceptible. My question, has anyone else done this and got the same type of results?, And do you use your computer ONLY for audio, or do you also do the internet, WP, ect.? Just wondering.......
The best way to get a better SNR is to get a better card, IMHO... ;)

You can do much better than a SB 512...
I use one box solely for audio. No office, no games, no networking. This allows to keep the number of tasks that system is running down to the minimum.
On the same topic, what about wireless devices? I'm about to upgrade to a new sound card for better music recording-as it is now any time I'm attempting to record a second track in cakewalk with another track armed I get static like a monster. It's awful.

I have a wireless mouse and keyboard, but I don't think they are totally the culprit. I think upgrading whatever soundcard came with my computer in 1998 is going to work wonders.

I have one 'puter for audio !!ONLY!!

NOTHING else ever goes on this machine....

We use a Dell for EVERYTHING else.

Sticking a professional/semi professional soundcard in my DAW made a huge difference in the noise floor (I'm using a Delta44)...

That being said...if you do choose to go that route, be prepared to tweak your settings to get it to perfection (if that's possible)...;)
I'm sure one of the differences between prosumer and consumer cards is the sheilding from other computer componenets.

My box is an everything box, but evenually it will end up dedicated tracking system. This has made me think it might be an idea to go with the onboard lan, altho I haven't outgrown the noise floor in my system with an audiophile 2496 and a cheap mixer.
Im lost as to how those things you took out lowered your noise floor........
Lower Noise Floor

To tell the truth I'm not sure myself. All I know is when everything was in there, and I cranked all the inputs on the card and recorded just the card there was a TON of steady hiss. I took those items out, and it fell to below half the level that it was at. Like I said, I'm not sure why, all I know is I am a happy camper for now untill I get a real card.

And thanks folks for the replys to my questions. I luv this place!