I finally got back to mixing!

hidden shame..
intro guitar sound is excellent!..i like the drum groove in the intro too...bass drum needs to come up maybe when the lyrics start.?..
nice vocals...im not a fan of the rap/yell thing but you can hear that the vocals are good...why is it (and this asnt just you by anymeans),..that most of songs i hear in this genre..that the guitarist always sounds like Zakke Wilde??...lol...i mean its cool and all and i certainly cant get that sound...just an observation.
the overall sound is really pretty good.the snare might be a tad too loud...but thats my personal taste.....

very cool song!!!

boy~things just keep getting better and better on this forum. Great feel of space you created there. The only thing I couldn't hear very well was the bass, but I really dig the intro. Good work

Hidden Shame-Mint intro!!Well it's original, sorta...Got a FNM style to it.That intro/interlude is great!Music is really cool,not diggin' on the singer as much but it's only the first song.;)A little too long too.Guitar is weak in the mix.Drums a little sloppy at the end.

New Day -Yesssss.....Rock!!!Great opening riff!!!Gets a tad Cheezy in the chorus,but that stuff is commin' back full swing:DSome nice heavy elements in this one...it's missing some death metal vox mixed in there,Cool guitar solos!!

Complete Abandon-Another great crushing intro!!!:D.Strongest of the three,IMO.Pursue this style.In the more Dark Angel vien.Yea,this one sounds like a B side to an early DA single...if there ever was one put out,...?Isn't complete abandon a like,feminine type term(not trying to be funny.)?

Great riffs,needs work productionwise but the overall sound is on it's way.
W.I.S.C; when you say needs more work production wise, are you talking about the musicianship/song elements or the actual recording/editing/mixing? See, I am NOT the performer... this is a local band that I agreed to do recordings for. I have been "out of the loop" in regards to recording/mixing, etc for quite a while and am looking for suggestions on the recording/mixing side of things. I did very little in regards the playing/songwriting elements of these songs (I did help with some of the guitar solos/background vox ideas)

Thanks for the comments...keep em coming! :=)


FYI...here's what I recorded/edited/mixed all this with:

~ Drums were recorded on ADAT-7 tracks drums; 1 track scrath (rented)
~ Gtrs were recorded direct from my Tech21 amp.
~ Bass was recorded direct from players amp w/ slight compression from my el-cheapo Behringer AutoCom Pro(I really don't like the sound; but couldn't convince him to go direct)
~ Vox were all recorded with the el'chepo Marshall MXL2000
~ recorded into Samplitude (I only had it's built in effects to use)
~ Mixed on Yorkville powered monitors
~ mastered with T-racks
~ PC: 850Mgz AMD w/256M of Ram
~ M Audio Omni w/ Delta 66

I am currently putting together a new DAW based around SONAR and am planning on purchasing some decent plug-ins.
Hidden Shame.

Like everyone else, the intro sounds great, I like the drums too,
But to me its seems like the drums are panned out too far to each side.

If I were mixing this (which Im not of course) Id have the screaming vox panned hard left/right with longer delays, and the main guitars probably at 20/20 or 60/40...

But then again, Im a freak, and this is probably a better mix than I could come up.

Drums are nice, and you got a mint bass sound

Thanks for your thoughts. I am hoping to get more into recording/mixing (I REALLY enjoy it :=) So I'm open to all thoughts on how to keep improving. No one has come out and said, "Man, you suck at this!" So I will keep working. Now, if I can just find some PAYING clients ;= ) LOL
