I don't remember any click track?!?


New member
So two years ago my band recorded our album using a few old shure mics and some tascam 4-track. Once we mixed down we send the signal out into a line in on my computer (soundblaster 16 or somthing), and recorded on one track in cool edit pro. I cut out some hiss tried to get rid of a click track like sounding thing that had developed on some of the tracks. It was not in time with the music or anything ,but it kept a somewhat steady tempo. I never could get rid of it fully, though got it hidden decently. After recording to a cd I discovered this click trackwas on many more tracks, and so pronounced on some that you can't listen to the songs.

What can it be?

Man, that's a weird one. Do you still have the tapes? Can you hear it on headphones straight from the multitrack? If you at least know where it originates from it will help in tracking it down.

I dont think it's a click track from CEP because it slows down here and there. You may have had an extra source open in the windows mixer that was picking up something.
The sound was first noticed of the 4-track tape before anything digital got near it, yeah through the headphones. Recording it digitaly must have amplified it on others tracks as some that i didn't hear click on the four track sounded this bad on the computer. I'll look for that tape.
