i don't have any ideas for a catchy title


Local Spiderman
I recorded this about 20 minutes ago with the help of my new (!) mxl 993s and 990.

Can anyone offer any feedback on the recording?

http://www.audiostreet.net/artist.aspx?artistid=7190 <-- the stream labelled "drumming"

The 993s were used as overheads, in the fashion that "tubedude" presented in one of the threads in this forum. I used an sm57 on snare, about an inch from the top of the snare head. The bass is mic'd with a cheap dynamic, and the 990 was used as a room mic (needed to find some place to put it :}).

I used only compression on the room mic, and i think a little on the BD. . . but i don't really remember. I didn't touch eq or any sort of processing. Except for the compression, this was recorded and mixed on the fly. With that being said, ignore any timing issues and sloppiness, I was just fooling around. But in hindsight I should've prepared something to show my mad skills, ahem.

Sounds good to me, for an on-the-fly job. I'm sure if you spent more time tweaking the EQ, you could get it sounding really good.
eraos said:
Thanks for the reply. So you don't see any immediate problems with the recording?

Sounds like you did a decent job capturing the kit. Other than that, it's hard to draw many conclusions. The real test is how it stands up in a mix.

Certainly some mad skills on display here, though. :p