I don't have a vocal booth - alternatives?

Dr. Jeep

New member
I don't have a pristine place to record vocals - I have a Rhode (Nueman knockoff) condensor mic and I am sending it through a small tube pre - which is great. But I find that increasing the gain to get the best signal records every single reflection in the room along with some hum from surrounding hardware etc. I have tried the closet - no better. Anybody got a way to set the mic to be optimal without a lot of noise. I am kind of stumped.
This a be the first time I reply to a question with a answer...... ok that made no since.. anyway......

theres been many post on this already....... for cheap u could build yourself a vocal booth.. no it wont be a pro booth but it will be better then recording in the open... and it cost less then $100...... search this thread they have a lot of good ideas.... i plan on building on very soon....

some of the best recordings were made without a vocal booth at all. Just get the voice close enough to the condenser and you wont have to deal with room sound or bg noise.

maybe not the answer you wanted but the truth
Just imagine if all live albums required a vocal booth... LMAO.. It would be like the Spinal Tap stage show! :p
I don't have a vocal booth. Never needed one. I keep the gain down on the mic, get the instrument close to the mic.
I don't use a vocal booth either. I use condensors, keep the gain as low as possible and keep the singer as far away from unwanted noise sources as possible. Most of the time it is ok. Fortunately, I have an acoustically friendly room which is a big help
Do it in a closet and hang up all the clothes you can round where you will be recording, this should deaden it a bit.
I took some of the advice from the condensor peeps - I layed down a moving blanket to cover my concrete floor and got the gain to be as low as I could. The reflections were minimal and the vocal sounded pretty tight.