I confused


New member
I saw in Tascam.com a section with advices to build the perfect machine for audio. (DAW).
but I can find a direct point to any CPU or motherboard.
I feeling that Intel Pentium is the best, but I see also that many people are using Celeron or others.
Can somebody give to me precise and direct oriantation about which are the best to DAW in CPU and motherboard matters?

thanks a lot

well most people use Pentiums or athalons
the lower budget (celeron, T-birds and durons) are still nice
but not nearly as fast as the P4 or athalon XP chips (becasue they both have higher level bus speeds)

i would go with one of them if you can afford it

and the motherboard does matter alot of the time
i tend to try and stay away form VIA chipsets, i had that as my old mobo and i had some probs with my sound cards

im now using a intel mobo, and i have my 2 cards working with the on board sound perfectly


A 2.4gig P4 chip is pretty cheap right now and more than sufficient to do the job.
ASUS boards are very reliable and also up to the job. Perhaps an ASUS P4PE or current P4 board.