I Bought an AT4050

I picked up a 4050 this weekend. Love it! I've only used it on a 4x12 so far. It has a very VERY clean, flat response! I can't even tell that it's there! I cannot wait to try it on a singer's voice. Trying to figure out a use for the figure 8. Maybe I'll put two cabs facing each other, and the mic in the middle. :D I'm very stoked! :)
wow i just got an AT 4050 last week too. I have yet to try out figure 8 on acoustic. Thanks for the tip!
WE ARE FAMILY.....Oops sorry! Had a retro flashback!
One word describes my AT4040, your mic's younger cousin......clarity!
Well, you could point one side of the fig8 like you normally would (at the 12th fret or so), and let the back side pick up some room. I like this more than omni on acoustic guitars, unless I'm needing to get super close in.
Occasionally, I do like the sound of an acoustic recorded fig8 with the null pointing at the 12th fret. In a busy mix, this can provide a bit of texture and depth.
Actually, after reading a few reviews, shouldn't the 4050 be an entry level mic ? I read about excessive high end... and people give it 7-8 avarage... do I miss anything ?
You have to try it, yourself, to know why I like it so much! I wanted a clean, accurate, pickup, and that's what I got! Words like, transparent, versatile, a workhorse, describe this mic in the reviews I have read, and agree with. Any other description, or negative press, would flat out just be a false statement! I auditioned one, based on, reviews and recommendations from this forum. I wouldn't call it entry level. Not even close. I have tried most of the "entry level" condensor mics. I consider this mic an upgrade, from entry level. I would classify it it as essential!
I suppose it depends on what you mean by entry level. If the definition is not particularly price dependent and you are looking for a decent, but not high budget multipattern mic, then a 4050 is entry level. A good solid usable microphone that rarely disappoints. If money is a significant issue and a criterion for "entry level", then there are probably less expensive alternatives.
im in love with my at4040. you can't even tell its there when you record! i mean you may not be going for that, but the more transparent the better for me. and boy it does its job well.