I am going to get a half stack, need expert opinions


Villiage Idiot Keeper
I have had enough of my Fender Hot Rod. It rattles and the input plug is loose. I want to be a Rock God, and none of them play Hot Rods. I want a half stack. I want one that has tubes. Any good recommendations under a grand? Used vs. new? Speaker brands?

Gimme the lowdown, please, all you cooler than me with your knowledge and half stacks.... :D
gibson59neck said:
I have had enough of my Fender Hot Rod. It rattles and the input plug is loose. I want to be a Rock God, and none of them play Hot Rods. I want a half stack. I want one that has tubes. Any good recommendations under a grand? Used vs. new? Speaker brands?

Gimme the lowdown, please, all you cooler than me with your knowledge and half stacks.... :D

Look for a Peavey 5150 half stack on ebay. That'll be all the godlieness you'll ever need really. Other than that try looking at some of the newer, cheap, tube amps that are on the market. Epiphone, Peavey, B52, and a few others have half stacks under a grand.
gibson59neck said:
I want to be a Rock God

Your thing says you are 35 years old. I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you missed your train about 10 years ago.

Given the tone of your current two threads, I get the impression that you play one thing and make your basis on the whole lot of them. In this day of age, quality control isn't really there. You have to play more than one of something to find the good ones. Even if you buy a half stack, you might get a dud. You really have to look it over before you buy it.

Funny thing is, you didn't say you don't like the tone of your HR, so maybe you don't know what you want. I take it you can't take the time to go play a few on your own to make up your own mind other wise you wouldn't ask this kind of question.

My opinion on amps...
Every amp is the greatest amp in the world, and every amp is the worst amp in the world. It just depends if the person playing it likes it.
gibson59neck said:
Any good recommendations?


Don't get a half stack. You get better tone from Fender combos...especially their older models.

Besides, have you ever lugged around a half stack to & from shows?

I have.

Let me tell you - it fuckin blows.

invisiblenemies said:
Besides, have you ever lugged around a half stack to & from shows?

I have.

Let me tell you - it fuckin blows.

Wow. That's practically a song right there & it rhymes.

Christ, I AM awesome.
half stack ??

i have a half stack...... ampeg vh140c head crate 4x12 cab..... i have used it at 4 outside gigs....... i use 2 mashhall combos that i use for all the other gigs...and they have been used hundreds of times...... think about your amp choice carefully..... what are you going to do w/ it what sounds do you expect out of it..... how are you going to transport it ?? i am a big fan of bigger is better... but you should check out some of the combos out there... you might be suprised..... and you might not get that great tone out of a big amp w/ your volume set on 2 ....... w/ a smaller amp you can crank it up enough to let the speakers realy sing ??????? :D :D
Anfontan said:
That Dumble might cost a bit over a grand-if you can score one~ :(

Don't you have to already be a rock god before Dumble will even consider selling you one at any price?
Get the Crate Voodo or a Mesa Dual Rectifier. I hate peavey, I don't like the sound.

The Voodo has this really thick heavy sound man. It's awesome. And the Mesa has this hot crunchy sound that just tingles my dingle.
Outlaws said:
My opinion on amps...
Every amp is the greatest amp in the world, and every amp is the worst amp in the world. It just depends if the person playing it likes it.

Well there you have it. Enough said, We might as well never ask any questions about amps ever again. Lets just close down the whole site while were at it :rolleyes: :D

Full 1/2 stack Under a grand with tubes?? tough if you want to sound like a rock star. I would definantely consider used for under a grand. Maybe a Carvin Legacy brand new would come close to a grand but im thinking it is still over your limit. Maybe the Peavey someone else mentioned would come close too. Just spend the money and get what you need. Dont skimp on your tone. In order to be a rock star you must carelessely spend money, so why not start practicing now. :)
Get a Traynor YCS100 for about $800 from affordableaudio.com then get a 4x12 Vintage 30 (or Tonker) cab from Avatar. Total might be closer to $1500, but if you cant get Rock God sound from this setup then you dont deserve a real Rock God amp...... learn this rig first, then we'll quiz you and promote you to the next level in real amps.
I've playd a peavy half-stack (I forget wich one, not 5150, those things rock) but all honesty, my garage-sale radio with a mic input sounded better than it. so don't asume that just becouse it looks cool that it sounds cool, I play thrue a Ibanez bass amp, a Ibenez dist. pedal with my strat clone guitar, and it gives me awsome "Mud"(y) sound that I love for my songs, so go to a store and try out for yourself.and my advice is to get one that has a good clean, dis't isn't to hard to get nice.
I have a B52 AT-100 and this thing is a pretty decent amp, especially for the price: $600 at GC. The cleans on it are super clean and the distortion is more than enough for any rock/metal/thrash. It is however a little harsh in the highs, but I switched the cheap chinese tubes out with some JJ's and it made the amp warmer. I would place the sound of this thing somewhere between a Marshall and a Mesa. Al the very least, go to GC and try one out.

In my world, it's not only impossible to transport a 4x12, it's impossible to afford a house with enough space to store it in too. I use two combos, typically, although my sound comes from pedals and the amps are just clean boxes.

If I was pressed, I'd buy a Laney LV-series head and the cheapest cab I could find with some Celestions in it.