Huge site in one message


New member
Hi all
Really i'm happy for ur Musical and for ur technical information
Iam just a beginner in SOUND techniques, i heard alot of expressions i didnt understand
Ok, I'll decide to build my own studio and i want to learn about alot of things!
My sound card is Creative sblive value!
here is my questions is:

1) how can i attach a mixer into my pc? Actually what is the benefits from attaching a mixer? alot of people using the mixer beside the computer and i dont know why ? if so, the right way is to control the traks with the computer or with the mixer?

2) what is the best speakers for recordings ( i hope i can hear the same voice i'll hear out side my studio ) ?

3) what is Midrange, low fi, hi fi? is this important to know? when to use the Parametric Eq and other EQs? and in which cases to use th EQ? on music or in vocals ?

4) when i finish record all my tracks including the vocals, is there any special techniques used to make the mix including the vocal tracks (i have tried alot of reverbs on vocal tracks but the result was not good the vocals was separated away from the Music.... Also i have a speacial button in my cassette ((Super Wide)) when i activate it when i listen to some records i can hear the reverb on the vocals clearly and away from the music alittle and i can hear the chours near from me, this also happens on alot of instruments in this Record, some instruments have the same reverb and others like the chours is so near from me, when i turn it off. i dont hear any different between the singer and the chours.
what is the befits from this? and how can i make it in my recordings?

5) there is more talking about frequencies.. i really need to understand how can i deal with frequencies for EX using , Cool Edit Pro 2

6) Finally i need to draw a picture in my mind to the view of any studio. what is the basic components? how can it pluged into each other?

Any help will be appreciated.
1) there are several benefits you have in a mixer:
You have better micpre's in the mixer instead of the one of your soundcard
You have lots more inputs, depending on your mixer.
If your soundcard can record several channels at once you can route several channels at once.

I give immediately my first advice: When you really want to set up a homestudio, buy another soundcard. TheSB are multimedia cards, with not much recording possibilities and pretty bad mic pre's. You can get a decent midiman Delta card for a bit more money.

2) The best speakers to use are always monitors: they are build for a flat response and to the recording get the best results on every hifi. Good monitors at a decent price are The Tannoy Reveals. Again it is off course a case of money off course, but mixing on desktop speaker is not a good idea: they colour the sound and aren't a good reference point.

3)Pfff, very heavy questions. Every sound has a range of frequencies. With terms like mid, high , low- we try to situate which part of the frequency spectrum we are talking about. When to use it depends on your ears. EQ'ing help you remove bad sounding frequencies in a certain sound and boost up the good sounding one.

Always keep in mind while mixing and EQing: Use EQ to let instruments bled. When there is lots of low end in the guitar part, you can disturb the guitar, etc.

4) again this such a broad question threre isn't a simple answer. Follow this board and experiment a lot and only on that way you'll learn when to use which effects. For vocals, compression and a little reverb is often mostly used.

5) erhm.. I don't understand what you are trying to say with this one.

6) That depends on your material, mixer, soundcard, speakers... post your material and we'll be glad to help...