HR 824s arrived


New member
Just got me a pair, and I love em already :) Spent the last few hours listening to stuff. I love the bass on these things. Was kinda expecting to have to reduce the lows a bit but it turns out my "treatment" of the room has worked out ok :) I just generated some 30 - 40 - 50hz test tones and shook the hell out of my house :D hehe

No real point to this post, I just had to let it out :)
Yo Ian:

I'll have a double Laphroig, neat.

It's always nice to hear how happy someone is with new gear.

I figure that "Maidenhead" must be somewhere near Liverpool?


Green Hornet :D :cool: :p
Elo Mr Hornet. Maidenhead is nowhere near Liverpool :p but then this is England so actually it IS near by American distances. about 3-400 miles i think.

Woss with all the drink ordering stuff anyhoo :confused: U callin me a bar-steward? :p